Titanium does not rust or corrode. A very fine layer of oxidation usually occurs on the surface of Ti, especially at high heat. Washing your nail under water, scrubbing with salt, or soaking in ISO should not cause any oxidation. In fact, these cleanings may scrub away the thin layer of oxidation that is actually protecting the Ti underneath. Don't superheat your Ti to the point of brightly glowing red because this creates excess oxidation that can turn into an extremely fine dust. The fine dust is titanium dioxide and may be harmful if inhaled in large quantities. Fortunately, most nails are used with a water pipe and the water will help filter out the titanium dioxide, which would be inhaled very minimally before filtration anyway.
Your best bet is to clean your Ti with low heat that will help melt the resin which can then be wiped away. Steam cleaning will also work well. If you soak in ISO for reclaim just don't scrub vigorously. You actually want that very fine layer of oxidation.
If you are experiencing rust on any product that claims to be titanium, then that product may be using a lesser quality titanium alloy such as TiAl4V (which still should not rust, but should not be dabbed off). If that is the case then you need to stop usage immediately and contact the producer of the product.

There is no definitive evidence either way on the TiO2 topic and it's worse that trying to talk politics in an election year. There are benefits to super-heating (when not inhaling) just like there are potential risks. For the health-conscious patient, the simple solution is a quartz puddle nail...or shoot, get a pyrex nail if you're on a budget. If you crack it you'd be oxidizing your titanium nail anyway so hone them torch skills before you burn up $100, literally. I just love my V3 because it has that optional turbo dish or whatever. The upside down dart cart dealio. I like to pin the wax on the mountain top and get full vaporization with virtually no contact between my dabber and the dish. I have not shown interest in those new
fits in to everything 10-29mm domeless nails Task just came out with, despite being the most convenient thing for a travel rig since sliced bread, specifically because I am likely converting to quartz when I run out of existing titanium swag.
I wouldn't worry about it too much...like most things in life. Look at this idiot using a quartz nail and a cheapo stainless dabber...that reminds me, I need to call my dentist in the morning.
edit^not attempting to name call with the idiot remark, if this individual posts here (i have no clue honestly) I'm sorry, but you're still an idiot.
HE's blog deserves a link here
http://www.highlyeducatedti.com/blog/ there are some good links on oxidation.
We should compile a list of useful links, organized in to categories, and sticky that shit