Thoughts on Our Loss of Ability to "Bump" Classifieds?

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Well-Known Member
I can see why moderators were overwhelmed by the number of buyer replies, since the classifieds section has much stricter rules.

But preventing sellers from replying removes the crucial ability to "bump" our thread with a price drop, thus getting it on the first page. This ability is essential if a seller is just trying to sell as quickly as possible and give a good deal, not make maximum profit, like the way I sell all my items.

A blanket-ban on replies essentially forces the Classified's forum into "chronologically sorted" mode where only the first post date determines position... not how active the seller's actually are, nor which seller just posted a big exciting update.

We already had the ability to sort the thread by "post date" in the past. What we've essentially lost is the ability to sort by "last activity" which is a great loss of functionality. And this disproportionately affects sellers who don't want to hibernate and wait for someone to fork over $500 for their name-brand piece; it hurts us sellers who just want to quickly pass on old pieces and make someone else's day with an epic price drop. :)

So how do we fix it? Make replies allowed by seller's only.

This drastically lowers the number of posts that admins have to watch, while retaining the interactivity and personal nature of seller updates. Seeing which seller's reply more and what they have to say is a vital tool of the buyer and helps us get to know the seller more.

I always loved going to the Classified's and seeing which threads were alive with new updates, now each listing is just a lonely single post. Staring at the statistics and all those 0's, the posts just blend together and it feels like we've lost something special. :(


Vapor concierge
That 'seller's only' idea is a good one, but I don't think we have that flexibility...vtac will know for sure.

I typically just look at the classified thread titles, so the change doesn't really affect how I shop, and there are never more than three or four active pages in the section making it easy for me to peruse the newest ones.


Well-Known Member
You also could have an auto bump feature for all threads. I know it might mess somethings up, but if threads could be auto bumped, and then the currently new threads would stay on top. I know programmatically it can be done, as for what the site allows, not too sure.

I do like the idea of seller bumps, because that shows you did lower the price.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess I'm just explaining how it affects me if I decide to sell something here again... I used to list something hoping it would sell that same day lol. I try to price it so it's a no-brainer, and then if a week goes by or it goes to the second page I'd lower the price even more, that way I can get it done and over with as quickly as possible.

If you never bumped, you relied on people who are willing to click to the next page, but experience has shown me if you offer the incentive and show that you've recently posted the item moves much faster :2c:

With no replies the people who price drop won't get noticed as much.


I did see it abused occasionally, but more often it seemed to provide further answers to the condition of the item, etc...

I don't think it helps anyone except the mods, who now have less post to flag/remove.


Well-Known Member
I just want my stuff to sell >(.

I'm about to relist stuff, that's a sure way to get it to the top.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I'm not as concerned about everyone being able to post on a classified but I agree that sellers should be able to bump for a price drop. I think that sellers should be able to bump their thread for a price drop only and strictly enforce it with warning points, bans and loss of classifieds privileges. So if someone asks a question by PM that is relevant fir everyone then edit the original post, but allow sellers to bump price drops. You could even set a minimum drop (say 5%) to avoid sellers dropping $1 just to get the bump.
This would also let prospective buyers watch a thread and be notified when there is a price drop.


I can see clearly now the smoke is gone...
I think it will result in less sales. Some questions are relevant for many people perusing an ad. If I don't have the ability to ask or see the result of a pertinent question in a classified, I am just too lazy to go write a pm and wait for a response.

Plus, the whole interaction within that sub-forum is just like any other on FC and conversations create rapport among members. Which is a big attraction of this site.


Well-Known Member
I just want my stuff to sell >(.

I'm about to relist stuff, that's a sure way to get it to the top.
That's kind of what I was afraid of, if we have to relist to get attention it's just going to make things messier...
I think it will result in less sales. Some questions are relevant for many people perusing an ad. If I don't have the ability to ask or see the result of a pertinent question in a classified, I am just too lazy to go write a pm and wait for a response.

Plus, the whole interaction within that sub-forum is just like any other on FC and conversations create rapport among members. Which is a big attraction of this site.
I agree on all points, especially the lazy one lol


Notmy Well-Known Member
That's kind of what I was afraid of, if we have to relist to get attention it's just going to make things messier...

I agree on all points, especially the lazy one lol

i agree things will get messy if everyone starts reposting their own classifieds, especially if they don't lock the old thread first!

i think allowing sellors to bump with price drop is a good idea.

i think if your too lazy to write a pm then thats your loss! and as long as you don't complain when the person who wrote a pm got a better deal, than whats advertised, then i don't have an issue with it. i guess thats a bit of a moot point though eh?
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Vapor concierge
I had no idea the "no bumps" rule included price drops. This is an essential in the selling process from my experience. I can understand the other stuff, but no bumps for price reductions?!? Doesn't make sense. BOO! :puke:

It's simply a limitation of the software. It's all or nothing.


Well-Known Member
I know of other forums that have one dedicated mod for each section. Perhaps one or two new people could be brought onto the already fantastic team that runs and monitors this amazing site. Then maybe we could go back to the old classifieds. Personally I've gotten a lot of great information on products from the replies in the classifieds and on a side note I have a feeling answering questions publicly holds sellers to higher standard of honesty

Hoof Hearted

Vapesallday Industries
I currently have my DBV listed in the classifieds.
It has more than 350 views and I only recieved one PM so far (an MFLB trade offer:rolleyes:).
I always used to monitor the classifieds and didn't think I'd have a problem selling my DBV at a good price.
Deals like I'm offering used to be snatched up fairly quick.
The only difference that I can see is the new set of rules.
I'm confident that it'll sell eventually but I was hoping it'd go quicker because it's just gonna collect dust from now on.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Any perception that the new rules have somehow slowed down Classified sales is flat wrong. The fact is that sales seem to have picked up. @vtac moved out 10 closed sales yesterday. I moved two more this morning. If your item isn't selling then you're probably asking too much.
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clouded vision

Well-Known Member
While you may have closed 12 listings this morning, I would like to point out that it had been over a week since the locked listings had been moved. Additionally (and more importantly IMO) 5 of the locked threads were items that were locked & then immediately relisted so they really hadn't sold. I don't blame the listers for doing this as they effectively get their bump and there is no rule specifically forbiding this but this is creating the potential for a real mess in the classifieds if people simply lock their original thread then relist it, espcially if locked listings aren't removed daily.

I understand that the mods have a lot to do around here & appreciate that they often had to intervene in the classifieds and something had to be done to correct this but I feel, and it seems many members feel the same way, that the new policy is just too restrictive.
clouded vision,
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
While you may have closed 12 listings this morning, I would like to point out that it had been over a week since the locked listings had been moved. Additionally (and more importantly IMO) 5 of the locked threads were items that were locked & then immediately relisted so they really hadn't sold. I don't blame the listers for doing this as they effectively get their bump and there is no rule specifically forbiding this but this is creating the potential for a real mess in the classifieds if people simply lock their original thread then relist it, espcially if locked listings aren't removed daily.

I understand that the mods have a lot to do around here & appreciate that they often had to intervene in the classifieds and something had to be done to correct this but I feel, and it seems many members feel the same way, that the new policy is just too restrictive.

You actually keep track of when we move Classified threads? That's more than I do.

Seven sold items in a week is still a higher rate of sales than previously. I'm not suggesting that the sales rate has increased because of the changes. I am suggesting that the changes haven't adversely affected sales.

If locking and re-listing becomes a problem then we'll deal with it. I've checked your assertion and I see only one re-listed item, and that one had been off the market for a couple of weeks. :shrug:
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Out to lunch
I can read the all the ad titles in about one minute. I think the perception that it takes an ad being at the top in order to sell here is ridiculous. Plus, the ad title can now be edited by the seller to reflect changes, including price drops.

Members get to sell here for free. Complaining that a free eBay service isn't user friendly enough amounts to looking a gift horse in the mouth. We're finally at the point where modding the Classified section doesn't take more time and effort than the rest of the forum put together. Some of us staff members have been bitching about the difficulty of managing this ad section ever since we went to XenForo. We've done all the work, in addition to keeping up with the rest of the forum, and have gotten nothing out of it except frustration and headaches, while members get good deals and money in their pockets. At least cops and janitors get paid for the dirty work they're required to do.

We're not going back to where buyers and sellers get to play bump games while we have to read ads every day and watch out for broken rules and hijackers who aren't eligible sell in their own thread. All negotiations taking place in PM's means buyers and sellers can do whatever they want, which is a plus for both parties, while the plus for us is a much easier section to mod.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
I've checked your assertion and I see only one re-listed item, and that one had been off the market for a couple of weeks. :shrug:
T-Vape, Ascent WPA, Weedstar, Mobius (this is one you are referring to), EFS (sold afer re-listing). I do check them at least once a day because I am always looking for a good deal.

I know absolutely nothing about programming but I gather from reading through this that there isn't a way to restrict replies to just the OP, so I'm not really sure what the solution is, I just wish there was some happy medium that would keep the community happy while easing the burden of the mods.
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Well-Known Member
I know of other forums that have one dedicated mod for each section. Perhaps one or two new people could be brought onto the already fantastic team that runs and monitors this amazing site.
I think this is a good suggestion, I'm sure there are plenty of volunteer mods!

Some of us staff members have been bitching about the difficulty of managing this ad section ever since we went to XenForo. We've done all the work, in addition to keeping up with the rest of the forum, and have gotten nothing out of it except frustration and headaches, while members get good deals and money in their pockets. At least cops and janitors get paid for the dirty work they're required to do.
I'm sure a lot of us would like to donate to FC... it's pretty invaluable, but there is no donation account like wikipedia?
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