vapor accessory addict
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I still don't get the Papa Smurf option.
Xenforo assumes that if you ignore an alert, you don't care about that thread any more and stops alerting you. You can always visit your Watched Thread page for the latest info regardless of whether you get an alert for it.
I don't rely on alerts or the Watched Threads page myself. I just check the list of threads for a particular forum because I haven't marked any threads to be watched. The only ones that are watched are ones I've posted in (this is by default) and I follow lots of threads I never post in, but never bother to mark as watched.
So, if I don't click the Alert itself - xenforo thinks I don't want to read that thread anymore?
Personally, I think that system isn't very good. Often times I will roll over the Alert thread and sometimes either:
A. Not be able to finish clicking on all the threads in the alert mini-popup window. Either because of a glitch, time constraint, or failure to realize there is more, and you need to scroll down.
B. Rollover by mistake, expose that little window, even though I had no intention of checking any of the threads.
Anyway there nothing I can do about it, other than make sure to read all the threads. I think it's weird that it assumes you aren't watching the thread any more, even if you visit that thread the next day or two etc.
However I am not sure I understand the other way you mentioned. Are you going to the main list and just clicking on the title of each thread you're interested in?