Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Justt saw this thread
The best thing to do when vaked is to cook edibles and paint world classics like Mona Lisa and The Scream
The best thing to do when vaked in nature is to eat those edibles and visualize abstract forms while breathing inspiration from the living source.
tdavie I know you wrote that before a while but... IMO Hawkwind rules too.. I've seen things listening to that sound..

The best thing to do when vaked is to cook edibles and paint world classics like Mona Lisa and The Scream

The best thing to do when vaked in nature is to eat those edibles and visualize abstract forms while breathing inspiration from the living source.
tdavie I know you wrote that before a while but... IMO Hawkwind rules too.. I've seen things listening to that sound..