Discontinued ThermoVape


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
WOOT its finally friday!!

I hope everyone who's planning on going to Reggae On The River has their batteries charged and ready to go! Unfortunately I'm not able to make it this year.....

Have fun and be safe!



Well-Known Member
Easy mod for using 18650's for lv.
I peeled the label off the lower half of a cgr18650 and took battery tube out of base.
The 18650 fits perfect without sleeve. The bare bottom makes negative contact. Works like a champ.
Might want sticky tape for grip.
I work with my hands so no problem pushing it up.


High Plains Drifter
We have Hempfest here in Eugene this weekend... very close to my house, so we can just ride over on the bike :) yay!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Lucky...Wishing everyone a happy, fun weekend spent with people and places you love! I'll be showing off my handy dandy T1 to a friend from Oregon who is in town. Should be good fun. Surprised she's not there for the :leaf: fest this weekend. :)


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Easy mod for using 18650's for lv.
I peeled the label off the lower half of a cgr18650 and took battery tube out of base.
The 18650 fits perfect without sleeve. The bare bottom makes negative contact. Works like a champ.
Might want sticky tape for grip.
I work with my hands so no problem pushing it up.
Yes, works in a pinch but wouldn't make it a permanent solution.
Make sure your using protected batteries.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, works in a pinch but wouldn't make it a permanent solution.
Make sure your using protected batteries.
Most protected batteries are protected on negative end.
Have to use safe chem like imr or cgr
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Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
Most protected batteries are protected on negative end.
Have to use safe chem like imr or cgr


If you do this mod with a protected battery you will essentially eliminate the "protection" from the battery by grounding to the body.

BE VERY CAREFUL when modding batteries!!!!

I'd like to share my experience of using my new ThermoVape Evolution (purchased as a kit).

I found that there is no vapor produced at the recommended 5-10 second preheat, and 10-15 seconds inhale. After following tips posted here I managed to achieve medication and a tiny amount of random wispy vapor by preheating for >45 seconds, then inhaling for >20 seconds.

  1. The handle, body, and mouthpiece become unbearably hot after a few minutes of use.
  2. A small amount of visible vapor is occasionally achieved, but without seeing vapor on every hit I am unable to control how much medication is inhaled, and when to stop using the unit.
  3. The inhale needs to be very slow and very long, which leaves me gasping for breath, and the hot mouthpiece and the heat emanating from the unit means I am left with sweaty hands, and flushed hot face - not exactly stealthy!
All YouTube videos of the T1 in action (couldn't find any videos of Evolution in action) show big vapor clouds after only a few seconds of preheat and inhale, yet the Evolution appears to take an incredibly long time and still doesn't produce those levels of vapor.

I really wanted to like this device as a butane-less, small, stealthy vaporiser, but am incredibly disappointed. I wonder if I should have ordered a T1 in the first place.

I've contacted TV but no reply from them so far.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
  1. The inhale needs to be very slow and very long, which leaves me gasping for breath, and the hot mouthpiece and the heat emanating from the unit means I am left with sweaty hands, and flushed hot face - not exactly stealthy!
The EVO is a little different. Try NOT so slow but continuous. That heat that's been generated needs to be pulled up faster then you'd think. At least that's my findings.

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The EVO is a little different. Try NOT so slow but continuous. That heat that's been generated needs to be pulled up faster then you'd think. At least that's my findings.


At first I used to inhale fast but wasn't getting any results at all. Once I'd switched to a very long slow inhale it did the trick, but again the vapor visibility is still quite hit and miss.
I also find that packing the chamber full helps. I think the inconsistency of the unit is it's biggest problem, as different people seem to have found their own ways of making the device work.


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
I'd like to share my experience of using my new ThermoVape Evolution (purchased as a kit).

I found that there is no vapor produced at the recommended 5-10 second preheat, and 10-15 seconds inhale. After following tips posted here I managed to achieve medication and a tiny amount of random wispy vapor by preheating for >45 seconds, then inhaling for >20 seconds.

  1. The handle, body, and mouthpiece become unbearably hot after a few minutes of use.
  2. A small amount of visible vapor is occasionally achieved, but without seeing vapor on every hit I am unable to control how much medication is inhaled, and when to stop using the unit.
  3. The inhale needs to be very slow and very long, which leaves me gasping for breath, and the hot mouthpiece and the heat emanating from the unit means I am left with sweaty hands, and flushed hot face - not exactly stealthy!
All YouTube videos of the T1 in action (couldn't find any videos of Evolution in action) show big vapor clouds after only a few seconds of preheat and inhale, yet the Evolution appears to take an incredibly long time and still doesn't produce those levels of vapor.

I really wanted to like this device as a butane-less, small, stealthy vaporiser, but am incredibly disappointed. I wonder if I should have ordered a T1 in the first place.

I've contacted TV but no reply from them so far.


The Evolution and T1 should give you about the same amount of vapor, if this isnt the case then it could be your technique. Also if your using an Evo-LV there is an extended warmup time for the core to produce the same vapor.

E-mail us at sales@thermovape.com and we can help diagnose what is happening with your device.




Well-Known Member
It's a standard 6V Evolution.

I'm with Pipes and Tim here, these guys work great but you have to use them the way they were designed. It really does take 3 separate steps, you can't 'cheat a bit' on any of them and get good results. The guys who are routinely getting good results have just modified the drill a bit but still 'hit all the bases'.

First step is 'let it run'. No draw, let the core heat. Go long at first until you learn it. You need to build up all the heat you'll need to get vaping before you start to vape. As soon as you start to draw air the core is going to start cooling off, not heating up.

Then start a 'medium fast' draw to transfer heat up to the load. The rate has to be right or you'll draw too much heat over too long a time (cool it too much) or not get enough volume of hot air to do the job of too fast. A good rate might be say 20 seconds to fill your lungs completely? Maybe a bit less. Near the end, you should feel the heat in the exhaust, puff a bit out to see if it has vapor. This is what Tim calls a 'test puff', IMO an important measure, it separates step 2 from 3. If the test puff fails when you reach the end of your lungs, quickly exhale and keep going. If you can't make it happen in two tries, let it all cool and start again. Don't try to take a hit until you get a strong positive on the 'test puff'.

Finally, when it's finally hot enough, dump everything in your lungs (yes, even if there's some vapor there) and hit that puppy like you mean it, it's ready to run. That's step 3, but you need solid steps 1 and 2 to get there. After you've done it a few times you can start to modify your technique. But go ahead 'waste the battery' to learn.

The heat is on full time all the while of course, maybe a minute total at first?

The fact that the unit gets very hot says it's producing enough heat (used correctly), some vapor says the path is OK. You just need to learn to manage it right. Remember, this is a power hungry battery thing, it's designed to not waste battery, there's little margin for not using the heat available wisely.

It could, of course, be herb related. It has to be dry, otherwise you waste the energy drying it out rather than generating vapor. Fine grind is also a big plus.

Good luck, it will work I'm sure....I think it's safe to say we all had such problems early on, I was lucky in that Tim himself set me straight as I was 'babying' the heater. He said, 'we make tough heaters, let it run'.

Best wishes,



in flavor country
...also make sure you are working with fresh batteries, as they drain, they will continue to heat the Evo, but it won't get up to vaping temps. If you are getting heat, but not enough to get vapor, change your battery for a fresh charged set. I change mine each load, no matter how charged they might still be, fresh bowl, fresh batteries= vapor.


Onward Thru the Fog
"My Evo isn't working as I had hoped...
OF's advice is really spot on and may seem overly complicated but once you get used to it, it works quite well and becomes second nature.

Once you've tried everything else that's been suggested if it still doesn't work to your satisfaction try something a few of us use with our evos. Remove the delrin insulating sleeve that normally goes around the evo core and put the mouthpiece directly into the top of the evo. Don't forget to preheat for a good 30 seconds, then puff on it until you see a little vapor before you do a steady 30 second inhale. Be very careful because the exposed core will get hot.

if this works out for you, we have tips on how to keep the hot core from burning you. :)
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in flavor country
Just got back from the Hemp Fest to find one of the two glass adapters I ordered waiting for me.:tup: Got the 14mm adapter, looks well made. It does not have any kind of screen or other preventative method to keep your herb from pulling right through, and when I put my T1 upside down on my glass, all the herb dumps out of the bowl, towards the stem. I put a 1/2" screen on the inside, to keep my herb from just pulling right through the air hole. There were no directions included, but installing it was simple, the O ring rolls down over/around the bowl, then you slide the glass top over the O ring to put in on. I had to wet the O ring a little to get the glass top to slide over it and also used the twisting motion. It does feel nice and snug on there. There is about a 1/4 of room there above the bowl for the herb to move around in, looks like some testing is in order. Glad to be on the front line to test it out for those of you who are still waiting for yours. Hopefully it won't be much longer for the next batch to be shipped out. I have it hooked up the T1 to my AC adapter now, going to spend a little time getting to know this new adapter.

** it does seem to be working pretty good, fits my glass perfectly, giving it about a 10-15 sec warm up, and using it w/ my DG mini. It's pulling some pretty good vapor. It lets your herb move around quite a bit, lets you shake the herb around for so no need to stir, but it is messy to take it off again, as some of the herb falls down around the sides of the bowl towards the O ring (inside the glass), because there is so much extra room inside. Just be sure to remove/empty it over a surface if you plan to save your ABV, or just don't want a mess. The ABV came out looking pretty even, more so than the regular top, I suspect it's because there is more space for the hot air to travel around the herb, instead of just heating up the center.

ok, back to more testing.


Just got my TV today with the Dart and Evo Carts and have some mix opinions. The Dart was a little frustrating at first but with the help from this forum on technique I have been able to get some decent hits, I thinks as I begin to master I will like it more and more. I was quite surprised with the Evo. I was able to get some nice hits with the first bowl I packed and wasn't very hard to get the hang of.

I'm not to happy with the unit itself especially the slide switch. If I could have done this over I would have gotten the Persei and used the Dart and Evo carts with that instead. I like the button and having the light show me if the batteries still have juice or are almost dead

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