Have been avidly watching the boards for quite some time now. Joining and posting for the first time. Good info on these threads is what ultimately led to me make my purchase of a T1 about a month ago. While it's been giving me great results up until now, I have ran into a problem. It appears that only one of the two coils is engaging in the heating core. If that was not troubling enough, it appears that in the past 48 hours, this problem with the heating core has caused 3 of my batteries to short out. It's now sidelined, awaiting what I hope will be a fast fix. I sure hope you guys can stand behind your product and get me sorted out with a replacement, as an early adoptee of your handy little device. I hate to have a negative experience so soon into my newfound life with my Thermovape, which I otherwise have been in love with up until this point! It really serves my needs for a portable, inconspicuous vaporizer with an ultra-clean taste. Per your durability tests you posted, I sure thought this would hold up a bit more robustly. I sure didn't go chucking mine across a parking lot.

Hasn't suffered a single drop... Thank you so much for your dedication and hard work to making sure we customers enjoy the best user experience possible. Go USA!!