Slightly Stoopid
SF Giant said:im using pretty dry herb and a fairly fine grind, as far as draw technique i go super slow for the first 10 or so seconds then when i feel the vapor start to heat up i draw a bit faster, looking back at that original video though i dont think i could ever reproduce that guys results, he seemed to heat for 5 seconds then draw (fairly fast mind you) for about 5 seconds and he seemed to get substantial clouds, for me it is closer to heating for 10 seconds and drawing for at least 20 to get anything resembling the hits that guy seemed to get, looking at my unit it seems that the heating coil on mine is way off to one side of the inside of the heater core, looking at the video (shitty quality as it is) it seems that his looks much more centered, i know from having to mess with my SSV that having your heating element just a little off can have a huge effect on how efficiently you are heating the air in a convection system, if there is some varience in manufacturing as to where the heating coil sits in it's sleeve there could be a pretty big difference in how well they work
I would agree with you on the first video that was published. I have tried but can not produce that amount in that short time. I have produced hits much larger than that but my average hit last about 20 - 30 seconds. Dried bud also seems to produce much better results as well as a more coarse grind which is different to most other vapes. More testing is needed on my part but I am pretty sure that won't be a problem