What t-dub says is 100%, folks...
Yes... it was so cute! (

t-dub and I are good buds, and since we were of different opinions, it was important to share the experience.
What I saw was a very sincere user, ready to adapt his techniques to the tool... to give this tool every chance for success.
The things t-dub and I discussed during the testing, were.....
1-Users unrealistic expectations of the battery and it's potential....
and 2- the need for adjusted technique , and acceptence of the potential fact that the battery is for one load.
W#hile t-dubs clouds were not visibly large, I could see vapor, and I was able to tell by the chgange in his speech pattern after each hit that he was becoming more medicated.
We did look at the ABV with varied results.... that were varied due to technique attempts.
I now am taking a better look at the vape, and I too wait to hear more after t-dub does more private evaluation!