I only put in two drops when I know it's starting to dry out. 3 drops makes it leak from the bottom slots and a small drop accumulates on the top if the switch. I like taking smaller puffs instead of huge cloud-pushers, so I don't have much of a problem dripping, even when I drive. I just do it at the red lights. I might have also perfected dripping while hauling ass on the freeway, but I didn't say that
And the taste is fucking phenomenal. Easily the best tasting e-cig I've ever tried.
After 10 years smoking and almost two solid months as an AVA/100%VG convert, I am going to have to agree with everything stated here. I was kind of perturbed at first by the "finnicky" nature of having to constantly drip and monitor the amounts, but at the end of the day you just have to be considerate and thoughtful, which as we all know is not natural instinct

not a bad trade off for being combustion free while being allowed the freedom to get your nic fix at any given moment
For what it's worth they state double capacity on the Cera liquid cartridge, so I'm also imagining a "max" load of 4 drops on an almost dry ceramic - but that is based on the previous arrangement of elements, and as we know that has evolved significantly.
I love that this can be used as a slide switch unit, for being in theatres and crowded public areas, the ability to slide it on and off is a must for stealth, it really helps keep the stray vapors down. But to be able to lock it on is awesome, the battery life suffers a bit, and you can always back it off a couple of threads between hits to turn it off to conserve battery life.
Interesting, thank you for sharing.
I know concentrates are not an obvious alternative to a lot of folks but it really opens up the potential for very high doses at incredibly discreet vapor levels with a low warmup & pull time. There are much harder limits on the former and higher requirements on the latter for flower by default and there's not a lot any company could do to make that more "relatively" efficient in the context of concentrate performance.
Personally I would consider exploring that route before soft-modding my device, but then again I would just forget it was on and burn out the batts every time if that were the case
Some things about the Cera I am not crazy about. Ceramic while very hard, is also brittle. How well does the Cera stand up to rough handling? One of the reasons i got my T1 is you could not break it if you tried. Ditto for the ceramic nub/locking switch on the side. Will it be available in any other colors? Black or gray are more stealthy. I realize it may be a limitation of working with a material such as ceramic but I do not at all like that the top parts attach via pressure/o-ring resistance. Threaded parts provide a much more reliable closure/seal.
From what I understand, another user mentioned the concern of it falling a few feet onto a ceramic tile and Tim from TET hinted that it would not end well for the floor tile
Although I will say I have less faith in the T1 design than yourself as far as indestructibility. It might be more robust with the solid cylinder flower cart and small mouthpiece tip, but with the universal adapter and the ava/rev carts there is a significant amount of shear force that could be generated on those threaded connections.
Hey, at the very least look at the white this way - when/if it changes, you will always have the first generation. Hawk that kit on ebay to some hipster in 10 years who doesn't want the black ones because they are all custied out