Thermovape T1, Iolite V2, Da Vinci, Puffit? Cheaper portable vapes.

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Fill this whole street with uppercut
So in my grueling wait for my E-nano, I've decided to pick up one of the cheaper portables, as I really dislike my MFLB and dont see myself wanting to use it anytime soon. Looking for ones $150 and under.

Thermovape T1 :$150, battery life seems a bit short, I believe it does concentrates and herb, good company and great warranty/repair

Iolite V2: $100 Dont really like the thought of butane vaping, but I've heard some decent things about this one

Da Vinci: $130 Digit, I dont believe it runs on butane? not sure.

Puffit: $130 Looks stealthy, short battery life

Prefer convection style vapes, as the MFLB was conduction and I did not like it. I want something easy to use, reasonably efficient, pocketable, and that isnt going to run out of batteries after 1 bowl like the MLFB.


Considering you are looking for a portable (taste not a priority) and you don't like to run out of batteries, i would choose the DaVinci.

If stealth is not a problem, i would get a VaporGenie since you can get a wood one for about 50$ and it can be a good backup.


I have an Iolite v2 and a Solo and I think the Solo is much better and a really versatile vaporizer. Haven't tried the others :shrug:


Fill this whole street with uppercut
I have an Iolite v2 and a Solo and I think the Solo is much better and a really versatile vaporizer. Haven't tried the others :shrug:

I've looked into the solo alot, and yes, it is pretty much tops as far as portables go, its just not something I can carry around :(


Well-Known Member
Flashvape & Vapman have both been alot of fun to use. Flashvape especially, has a great is much more powerful than the MFLB and there is a learning curve. Only downside in your case, is that it is about the size of a medium flashlight. But with the right technique, you can get convection flavor no problem. At $129.99 its a great deal.

Vapman is available in an affordable version...I think $75 dollars shipped. It is a neat little device, and works with a butane lighter.

You can also have a look at the Hammer. I never tried it and it is butane, but it is discreet, and small by the looks of it. Apparently it hits hard as well. I will know more in a few days :D

I found my T1 to be kind of a pain. I had to carry around so many batteries, and it got hot quick. But it is indeed a quality product. If you need alot to medicate, the bowl size may not satisfy. The Cera has improved on alot of this it seems, but it is way out of the price range you set, of course.


Well-Known Member
I've also given up on my MFLB and have been without any portable action for months.

I'm considering a VaporGenie Coil. The logic being that it is a minimal investment ($35) and hopefully will tide me over for my occasional portable needs. Down the road, I expect I'll tire of the butane and will purchase a pricier, battery-powered portable as this market is rapidly developing. The coil will then still be useful as a travel vape as it can be fully cleaned and does not appear to be paraphernalia.

I'd love to get my hands on the Inhalator XP, but can't justify the cost right now.
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