There are a lit of mechanical mods out there that I think should work. Ba Gua, Siams Cube/Hex, altsmoke Alpha and even non-mech mods like the BB, Bolt, V5 etc.
There are no doubt some but I don't think they represent but a fraction of a percent?
Of the mechanica ones you name, the first says 'only .2 Volts drop for 2 Ohm carts....which is not bad for an e-cig but that means over half a Volt for the .7 Ohm Cera. Not only will that mean there's several Watts loose in there (trying to burn up the switch?) but the Cera will be reduced to 'half power' with fresh batteries. So you'll get 4 minutes or so of modest performance per charge if you're lucky.
The Cube looks possible, but noting there seems to give any encouragement.
Altsmoke doesn't seem to know they make an Alpha (aside from their version of the AW 3100 mAh 18650 perhaps), but i reviewed the ones listed here: Alpha&x=14&y=10
The Omega is a possible, I've never seen it. The sliver bullet is reported to have switch issues at high currents and the Zmax (even if not mechanical) looks identical to one I tried which locks out on 'lo ohms'.
The BB sure looks like a mechanical mod to me but again offers no encouragement that is low loss and high current capable. The Bolt is advertised as a "bargain" and uses the same 'horn button' switch common to many of these guys, known to not keep up with the demand....although it could work for a while. It's also advertised as being suitable for five Volt use. I'm not sure if that's with one five Volt battery or two 2.5s....not that it matters since neither exist. Also something I don't find confidence inspiring.
And these are obscure things really. Far from the normal 510 supplies ('none' of which work for practical purposes)
. A guy already owning a 510 thread battery suitable to driving Cera would be rare indeed.
My opinion and advice, both based on actual experience and fairly extensive testing, stand. There aren't a lot of suitable non TV 510 supplies out there. You do know I've made several 510 to Cera adapters and tested them around a bit, right? I'm not really guessing.
Well that sounds better to me anyway.
Do u think that the cera mini or whatevers battery life will be comparable to the ultra or do you think more?
I agree. I expect that when TV sets out to make an adapter for the Ultra line they won't kluge something up, nothing like I did. They'll do what they did with T1, modify the 'adapter piece'. I agree, that would be simpler, more robust and have lower losses. As long as you have to make a custom machined part anyway, this makes more sense and doesn't involve the insulators and pin a 510 adapter needs making is cheaper to make as well.
I believe they too realize what's on the market.
From what I've been told the mini Cera will win, it will use 18650s so it'll definitely outperform the Ultra's 14500. Last I heard it'll be a bit smaller, made of more conventional materials (back to taking lots of abuse), be lighter ('rides better in the pocket', something the e-cig guys are insisting on.....) and takes the same Cera carts.
Otherwise the last drawing I saw had a thumb operated switch up high to control power, not latching.
With any luck, well have some Beta units to chew over in a short time.