My two cents' worth:
I bought an Espresso Brown WISPR from in December of 2011. The unit worked beautifully for about a month, before the ignition problem reared its ugly head, and I was forced to return it.
They kept me waiting for over a month without any contact other than the generic e-mail that they had tested my unit and had issued a replacement. When I finally had time to spend an hour on hold waiting for their customer service, I was told that I was made to wait a month because they were out of stock of brown units. When I told them that the colour wasn't an issue to me, and asked why they couldn't have bothered to phone or e-mail me with this information I was greeted with nary but silence.
A few weeks later, I received my Orange replacement unit, and again, couldn't be have been happier.
A month later, Orangey died on me, with the same ignition problems, and I was forced to go through the return process yet again.
The second Orange unit I got from them lasted a record-breaking 3 months until it too started doing the clickity-click-clack.
This return was one of the most volatile customer service experiences I have ever had in my life.
Apparently they were so bogged down with returns that they were outsourcing their customer service at this time. The woman I was forced to deal with kept me waiting for a month
(again) after I was "Approved For Replacement" with no explanation as to why there was this delay. When I finally got a unit shipped to me, they sent it to the address on the receipt, not the address I had provided them with, and shipped the malfunctioning unit from. When I telephoned the customer service department I had been outsourced to, the woman was rude, belligerent, and outright lied to me. She told me that the shipping company they had used only provided senders with tracking numbers, not receivers, and that it was impossible to reroute the shipment to my new address. When I told her that this was my third unit, and that I was very unimpressed, she actually told me that about the outsourcing situation, and went so far as to say she "doesn't work for Iolite, so really doesn't care". I was told to wait until the shipment bounced, and was returned to them, and only then would they ship me out a new unit. When I told her this was absurd, since it was there error, and not mine, she told me to "deal with it". I was therefore forced to drive to my
old address just to receive the item card. A quick call to the carrier confirmed both of the things she had told me were outright lies: there is no such thing as a "one way tracking number" (How would that even make sense?), and it took him five seconds to have the package rerouted to my new address.
Orangey #2 lived up to its namesake and lasted exactly two months until it developed the infamous butane valve leak. I kept using it until it got so bad that you could hear it from across the room. At this point I was honestly afraid it might catch on fire. Iolite claim that it can't happen, but does that account for units leaking like a fully depressed can of Colibri?
Conveniently enough, the Iolite that I had purchased in the midst of all of this (which was about a year old now, miraculously enough) started leaking butane as well. I threw both of them in a box, and went entirely through their internet customer service after the last nightmare I had.
I got the Iolite fairly quickly, however, the WISPR was almost two months after their approval. The WISPR was post-marked from the United Kingdom to Canada overseas a
single brown bubble wrap-lined envelope.
Needless to say, both the WISPR and Iolite were beautiful in their jet-black glory, but both units were faulty
out of the box this time around. The Iolite has a worse butane leak than the one I sent back for it, and the WISPR, rather disconcertingly
leaks vapour from the front of the unit.
By this point I was completely and utterly at my wits' end as to what to do, and put them both in a box and tried to forget the shame I have for all of my wasted time and money. Not long afterwards, I was diagnosed with multiple disabilities, and was completely incapable of making any sort of effort to pursue another replacement. Even if I had, I don't know what the point would have been, since I am clearly not in the minority with my batch of lemons.
The most painful part of this diatribe may be the following honest truth: out of all of the vapourizers I've owned, the WISPR is probably my favourite. The ease of use involved in butane versus batteries, the light weight; the whip; the warmth of it in my hand; the heat of the vapour on back of my throat; the way the heating chamber is designed to heat the load while packing it in place so nicely; the way it looked, and felt: all of these were things that would make it, in a different world, the perfect vapourizer for me.
For anyone curious about my "resumé", I personally own a VaporGenie, Magic Flight Launch Box with Power Adapter, Arizer Solo, and Herbalaire 2.2. They all have their ups and downs (except in my
opinion the MFLB has no ups

), but nothing has ever worked for me like the WISPR / Iolite. If only Oglesby & Butler could get their shit together

Another thing I think that bears mentioning is that while many have mentioned the great customer service at, my personal experience was anything but. I e-mailed them on two separate occasions in order to try to work something out, even going so far as to propose sending them a factory-sealed unit in exchange for store credit. I never even received a response. This is not to slander the shop, as I have been a satisfied customer of theirs many times in the past. I just find it odd that a retailer whom are continually lauded as being willing to work things out and ensure their customers' happiness would just completely turn a blind eye to my situation.
Since it may be of interest to some, and also for the sake of posterity, I will now bore you all with some arithmetic:
236.27 (WISPR) + (4 x 20) (Shipping 4 packages back to them) + 120 (Iolite) =
436.27$ CAD that I wish to the Lords of light and darkness I could get back

I think the moral of the story is twofold here Firstly, I had my doubts from the beginning, even going so far as to tell my girlfriend at the time my second WISPR failed, "Just watch, they will keep sending me faulty units and milking me for shipping charges until my warranty is expired." It was funny then; much less so now. Secondly, and this was the hardest for me to accept, a product can be perfect in every way, shape, or form, be everything you've ever coveted in a vapourizer, but if the company does not make them worth a damn, or does not stand behind them when they fail, they are only as good as the
value of their lowest common denominator, not the sum of their parts.
If you are one of those people who just said to themselves: "TL : DR", let me sum this up.
I: Go with your gut. If you know something stinks, you know it stinks. Don't throw good money after bad. Don't let your conscience, your friends, or a company tell you that you should like a product.
II: I would rather a company sell me a lightbulb that produces solid vapour with a lifetime warranty, and make said lightbulb within the strictest quality controlled environment than to sell me the God damned Sun, but it will burn itself out in a few weeks, made in a factory run by monkeys, and supported by people whom, in their own words, "don't work there; don't care".
The Lernaean Hydra.
P.S. For anyone who cares Brown I, Orange I were
Revision 1 WISPRS, whereas Orange II, and Black I were
Revision 2. Personally, I don't give a shit, since they all died in roughly the same amount of time on me
