biojuggernaut said:Anybody try those RooR mouth pieces yet? The flat one looks amazing; and I've had no such luck find a 14male adapter for the whisper for a water pipe or the Helix pipe.
Questions: What performs better the Iolite with the optimiser or the whispr? Can the optimiser fit in the whispr? Is the iolite stem the same in diameter as the whispr?
jeff said:biojuggernaut said:Anybody try those RooR mouth pieces yet? The flat one looks amazing; and I've had no such luck find a 14male adapter for the whisper for a water pipe or the Helix pipe.
Questions: What performs better the Iolite with the optimiser or the whispr? Can the optimiser fit in the whispr? Is the iolite stem the same in diameter as the whispr?
I use mine with a helix. Smooth as hell. I was gonna get the adapter that can be purchased at aqua lab technologies. I went to the head shop, to avoid shipping, they cared a vapor bros 14mm. Also if you check puffitup or some of those other websites they carry the adapters that are made by ssv/dbv
biojuggernaut said:jeff said:biojuggernaut said:Anybody try those RooR mouth pieces yet? The flat one looks amazing; and I've had no such luck find a 14male adapter for the whisper for a water pipe or the Helix pipe.
Questions: What performs better the Iolite with the optimiser or the whispr? Can the optimiser fit in the whispr? Is the iolite stem the same in diameter as the whispr?
I use mine with a helix. Smooth as hell. I was gonna get the adapter that can be purchased at aqua lab technologies. I went to the head shop, to avoid shipping, they cared a vapor bros 14mm. Also if you check puffitup or some of those other websites they carry the adapters that are made by ssv/dbv
Can you link me? I have not been able to find a 14mm adapter for the whispr. I tried using a couple different silicone pieces none of them work. You are talking about the whip adapter, correct? I don't like how the whispr mouth stem stretches over many of the whip adapters: I want to find a 14mm heady (Toro brand) or gong adapter that the whispr stem will just easy on up into
Also can the Iolite optimiser be used in the whispr?
biojuggernaut said:Wow dude I've never seen A whip adapter before thanksI don't even own a whipr dude, I think you're the one who is complaining! I too think a big bulky think like the helix would be over kill; which is why ordered these Phunky feel RooR mouth pieces from cali and want to buy a whipr to stick it on the end of these puppies. I'm looking to find the diameter of the whispr stem & Don't know where to allotocate my money on PIU however. How do you like your helix? I wanted to buy one for vapor but a dude on here advised otherwise:
But your rig sounds like my dream car rig. Like I said Im trying to build it now, but you're being a prat!
biojuggernaut said:Sorry homie I didn't mean to be an ass. Here check out this thread, It will give you an idea of just how small of rig the whispr can become. I spent some time abroad and started using it through osomsis after being called it enough haha
I assume the specs can be had here: '30mm X 5mm X 5mm'
jeff said:Cool thanks for the info. don't really see it as being worth my $40.00 but whatever you prefer. Kind of funny that the helix at about $120 for a big mouth piece, a onie attatchment, a dry bowl and a bubbler is considered over priced. But $40 for a tiny bit of glass tube isn't? Do you have any questions left pertaining to the GonG 14mm stuff?
biojuggernaut said:Sorry homie I didn't mean to be an ass. Here check out this thread, It will give you an idea of just how small of rig the whispr can become. I spent some time abroad and started using it through osomsis after being called it enough haha
I assume the specs can be had here: '30mm X 5mm X 5mm'
I assume you just couldn't wait for a repair/replacement. Hopefully you continued the warranty process for your original. Otherwise, that's a lot of $ to throw away.Trickfire said:I HAD to buy a new Wispr ...
It's beginning to look like this is the most common problem with this model. I hope they figure out what's going wrong and start fixing it, rather than just sending out another unit that may fail the same way.Ennui Cookout said:Then I noticed it was leaking butane everywhere.
max said:I assume you just couldn't wait for a repair/replacement. Hopefully you continued the warranty process for your original. Otherwise, that's a lot of $ to throw away.Trickfire said:I HAD to buy a new Wispr ...
It's beginning to look like this is the most common problem with this model. I hope they figure out what's going wrong and start fixing it, rather than just sending out another unit that may fail the same way.Ennui Cookout said:Then I noticed it was leaking butane everywhere.
Ratm22 said:So my WISPR made it to iolite.
USPS Priority Mail
January 30, 2012, 1:12 pm
But I have not received any response. It's been two weeks.
How long did it take you guys to hear back from them?
biojuggernaut said:my unit is kinda the same. It produce no clouds any where to that of my solo yet takes 4x the material. Am I doing something wrong?
sunlion said:Hey all, I am brand new to this forum, so if this topic has been addressed already, apologies in advance.
The deal is: TWO hours of use from one fill from the Wispr??? Just bought my Wispr last thursday and so far, it gives about 45 minutes of use before it needs a refill, tops. The official Iolite Wispr FAQ states 'up to two hours', but we are not even close! We do not take massive hits, either. Small tokes... Anyone else have this experience?
I thought perhaps this unit is faulty.... I emailed Iolite customer service about it, but probably will not hear back til monday or tuesday. There are no leaks in the unit that I can tell..... Comments?