The WISPR vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I can see why some people are pissed off about the name, as soon as they told me it was called the WISPR, my first question was, "does that mean it's quieter?"! But the noise of the iolite was never really a problem for me, and the fact that the WISPR cycles less often does mean it makes less noise..

I think the thing that makes the WISPR worth buying is that it's just more reliable and sturdy than the iolite. Sure the iolite should've been more reliable and sturdy, but remember there was nothing even approaching the iolite when it came out. The closest we had to a portable vape was the ubie! I'm glad the manufacturers took on board all of the ideas of their customers and incorporated them into a new design, even if it is a bit more expensive, and for those who can't afford that bit more, there's still the iolite.

By the way, thanks everyone for the positive feedback about my review video on youtube, for those interested there's a full hour-long review podcast on my site ( which includes audio of me taking it in shops, trains and buses to test its stealthiness!
Sounds like the WISPR is actually a through and through improvement on the Iolite - I especially like how all are reporting far better hits, as you can see in Dopefiend's video. How is the butane aroma when it's venting? I ask because I had one iolite which stank like a bastard when venting, and used another which was almost odorless.


Out to lunch
Nice info and pics InFlames. I especially appreciate the sides by side shots with the iolite. Also noticed the box, with 'WISPR by iolite' on it. Looks like they're gonna brand themselves as the 'iolite company' even though I've seen no evidence that that's a company name.

What are the two long white things in your plastic bag. They look like joints. Also looks like you get a couple of extra mouthpiece tips?

charliedontsurf said:
How is the butane aroma when it's venting? I ask because I had one iolite which stank like a bastard when venting, and used another which was almost odorless.
If you smell ANY butane (additive) during operation, then something's wrong. Your stinky unit had a problem, and the other should have been completely odorless except during butane loading. I've never detected any odor from multiple units I've used. The system isn't designed to allow butane leakage-even a little.
max said:
What are the two long white things in your plastic bag. They look like joints. Also looks like you get a couple of extra mouthpiece tips?

charliedontsurf said:
How is the butane aroma when it's venting? I ask because I had one iolite which stank like a bastard when venting, and used another which was almost odorless.
If you smell ANY butane (additive) during operation, then something's wrong. Your stinky unit had a problem, and the other should have been completely odorless except during butane loading. I've never detected any odor from multiple units I've used. The system isn't designed to allow butane leakage-even a little.

I think those are just pipe cleaners, my Iolite came with two which looked the same. They're just super shaggy is all.

I don't doubt that first unit had some issues, it was gotten off forum; it had been ridden hard and put away wet. I asked because, I don't know, maybe 1/10 of the Iolite users seem to report some sort of butane aroma, which I guess is consistent with O&B build quality

Watching Dopefiend's video, I can't help but be impressed. His 3-5 second inhales result in big, healthy clouds..


OHMYGOD. I stayed inside all day so as not to miss the imminent arrival of my new, out of control cool ass, WISPR vape!

First off, this is a game changer. It's the Apple of the vaporizier world. I will come right out and admit that I am "A woman of fashion" and this little sweetheart (which comes in five, early-1960's- transistor- radio colors) is the sexiest "outfit" I've bought in a long time.

Yes, outrageously expensive. That's the design thing. You pay for new design and its attendant exclusivity. That's what fashion is all about. But while I might occasionally splurge on a pair of $500 Prada suede boots--- I wouldn't spend big cash on any product that wasn't made well and wouldn't deliver on its function. Which brings me to my second point:

The Wispr is a GREAT vaporizer.
It heats up in 45 seconds and shoots out a toke as swift as a slip and slide on a hot summer day. Clean and smooth. It is easy to use, simple to hold and I am grateful that after my brain has softened into delightful, post smoke, stupidity, I can still figure out to use the damned thing.

In a word --- this invention is ELEGANT.

Wispr makes me wet!


Well-Known Member
@max, yea the white things are just pipe cleaners. I wish iolite included joints with my purchase :(

I'm glad you brought up the style point MoonTrout. It looks way better in person than it does online which is why I tried to get a really close up picture just to see the intricacy of that grill. Looks really sweet, and I also forgot to mention that the added weight and design change really feel like the device is worth the cost. When I picked up the original iolite I was honestly not impressed by its looks or feel and thought $200 was way overpriced. I payed more for this yet am strangely much more satisfied just based on sturdier feel and more elegant design alone. All the upgrades just confirm that I made a great purchase.


Revolting Peasant
MoonTrout said:
Wispr makes me wet!

:o Then this is indeed new territory for a vaporizer!

Maybe I should reconsider risking my relationship and getting my partner a vape for her birthday! :brow:

But no moving/vibrating parts :/


Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
I am intrigued by this vape. Seems to be more portable than the Solo. If it gives decent enough hits, could work well for me.

I wonder how hungry for butane this thing will be. I am looking for a vape simple enough to carry on a backpacking or all-day hiking trip: both are situations where bulk and weight are considerations. I wonder how much butane I'd need to include in my pack for a full day or weekend. Anyone know the weight of this vape? Definitely seems more durable on-the-go than a Solo (what with glass stem and all, the unit is solid. they should really have an option for an unbreakable polymer stem).

This thing would also work better than a Solo (if the hit is satisfying enough, the Solo is very good in that dept.) in a car camping environment too, since one can carry as much butane as one wants (need electrical outlet or switch on car battery to charge Solo).

Seems like, upon reading this read, it would not be necessarily unreasonable to expect the retail price of this vape to go down soon, or in the near future (next few weeks/months?). Does this sound about right? I wonder what kind of a drop one might expect. What is the cheapest price it is available at right now?

Oh, not sure if 'Apple of the vaporizer world' is a compliment.


Why smoke and die, when you can vape and fly?
Hi Obelisk, Unlike the Solo, the iolite and the Wispr are both fully portable. The iolite price has dropped, and may suit you better than the Wispr. Fits comfortably in the hand, easy to use single-handed; in an emergency, can be switched off with the flick of a switch, (after completing 2 or 3 cycles.) As an added bonus for some of us, the casual observer would likely mistake it for a cell phone. (Sadly, the 'hiss' whenever the thermostat cuts in, could attract unwanted attention.) :uhoh:

A 250 or 300ml butane canister, available from tobacconists and camping stores, should last you several weeks. ;)

Unless you spend the entire weekend non-stop vaping. :(



Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
Hai_Rypo_T'head said:
Unless you spend the entire weekend non-stop vaping. :(

Unfortunately, I do. If I am not at work, and I am awake, I will be either vaping, smoking or be between sessions.

I do tend to smoke/vape less when outside and involved in some activity, thankfully.

Your point is well taken about the wispr and iolite being considerably more portable than the Solo. I have tried the Solo for a couple of hiking trips and it is not (conveniently) portable in that regard. I do still carry it in my pack, but it is relatively heavy and introduces bulk because the stem has to be carried in some kind of case (have a small backpack -- all this gear is expensive!).

Also, since I don't really have my own circle of friends here, so to speak, I tend to do the longer hikes (do shorter ones with my wife, so stealth is not an issue then) with a group (mostly strangers off meetup or amc or something). So, I need to be stealthy (folks in the group would probably freak if they knew one of their group was attempting a rock scramble at 4K ft all stoned). The LB worked very well in this regard, but since my tolerance has gone up, it is not effective anymore. The Solo is not stealthy either.

What the Solo does provide is decent enough hits so interval between sessions does not have to be terribly quick or inconvenient. The reason I never was interested in the Iolite was because, upon reading reviews here, I did not get the impression that it is a good hitter. A portable that is small, convenient and stealthy is all well and good, but if it's efficacy and density of hit is questionable, then that is a problem.

The wispr, on the other hand, even though early in its product cycle, does seem to have consistent reviews about hit quality/satisfaction. Hence, my interest.

Though, perhaps it would be worth looking into the Iolite, purely from a price perspective!

What I really need is a smokeless, odorless wonder that is no bigger than a chapstick so is easy to slip into a pack without thinking twice, fits about a few grams of pot in its bowl (which can be finished leisurely, in a few hours or a week, depending on preference), so I can fit it into my pack and get high on the trail with a group of strangers around me!


Out to lunch
obelisk said:
The reason I never was interested in the Iolite was because, upon reading reviews here, I did not get the impression that it is a good hitter. A portable that is small, convenient and stealthy is all well and good, but if it's efficacy and density of hit is questionable, then that is a problem.
The iolite IS efficacious, assuming you don't require higher temps. Anyone implying that the lack of dense hits means that it's not effective is mistaken. You just have to take more hits. But if hit density is important then it definitely looks like you'd be more satisfied with the pricier version. As far as a price drop goes, it may be a while. The wispr needs to be readily available, like the iolite. Then if the lowball selling we're seeing on eBay with the io continues with the new model, look for lower prices on the wispr as well. I suspect that the Solo will outperform the wispr for dense hits though. I guess we'll need to hear from a few people who have used both models.


Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
max said:
obelisk said:
The reason I never was interested in the Iolite was because, upon reading reviews here, I did not get the impression that it is a good hitter. A portable that is small, convenient and stealthy is all well and good, but if it's efficacy and density of hit is questionable, then that is a problem.
The iolite IS efficacious, assuming you don't require higher temps. Anyone implying that the lack of dense hits means that it's not effective is mistaken. You just have to take more hits. But if hit density is important then it definitely looks like you'd be more satisfied with the pricier version. As far as a price drop goes, it may be a while. The wispr needs to be readily available, like the iolite. Then if the lowball selling we're seeing on eBay with the io continues with the new model, look for lower prices on the wispr as well. I suspect that the Solo will outperform the wispr for dense hits though. I guess we'll need to hear from a few people who have used both models.

I did not mean to make efficacy and density of hit sound synonymous! They are two different criteria, but equally important to me.

I, too, do not expect the Wispr to give thicker hits than the Solo. I wonder how much of a difference exists between the Wispr and Iolite in this regard. My impression so far, off the few reviews here (thanks for those, all!) is that there is, at least, a noticeable difference.

This temperature thing you mention actually brings up a good point: when you say 'don't require higher temps', would that exclude the temperature at which a log-vape operates (at 12v)? I am a high-temp vaporist, I guess, and while I prefer the wdz/pd/zap at 13.5v, I definitely would not complain with a portable giving me hits at the same temp as a log-vape at 12 v. I don't think I would, anyway.

Seems like the operating temps of the Wispr and Iolite are the same, at 374 F / 190 C + - 5 (off the got vape website). That is like level 3 on the Solo. Hmm.


Out to lunch
obelisk said:
I did not mean to make efficacy and density of hit sound synonymous! They are two different criteria, but equally important to me.
You didn't, but maybe using 'or' instead of 'and' would have been better. I was actually thinking more of others who have given the thumbs down to the iolite just because of the lack of dense hits. If portable + dense hits are the priorities, the iolite obviously doesn't contend. It's designed primarily as a walk around pocket vape, and stealth and ease of use are primary. A bigger hitting portable like the Supreme or Solo is going to suffer in those areas since bigger hits is the priority vs. stealth. Portables have to be compared based on their design goals and some are apples and oranges. I can't see narrowing down my portable choices to the Supreme and the iolite. They have very different pluses and minuses. The Solo vs. the wispr is a more fair comparison, since they're apparently closer to each other, hit wise. But the Solo has variable temp and the wispr is easier to carry around and has better stealth, so the buyer's priorities still come into play.

I, too, do not expect the Wispr to give thicker hits than the Solo. I wonder how much of a difference exists between the Wispr and Iolite in this regard. My impression so far, off the few reviews here (thanks for those, all!) is that there is, at least, a noticeable difference.
From the few reports we've seen so far, I'd say significant would be more appropriate than noticeable, but opinions may vary. We'll see, once there are more reviews out. And if someone is doing a comparison based on a one time use of the iolite 2 yrs. ago, I wouldn't give that A/B test much credence.

I definitely would not complain with a portable giving me hits at the same temp as a log-vape at 12 v. I don't think I would, anyway.
Then you may be satisfied with the wispr. My opinion is that with this design, the temp does go up some after it's been on for a while, just due to the heating chamber collecting and retaining heat. The fact that you get thicker hits after 5-10 minutes seems to support it.


So...I ordered the new wispr the other day. Should be here Monday. I am currently an iolite user...actually have two of them. I think they are great....I was looking for something healther....and started vaping about a year ago....bought several types....but the iolite has been the I am super pumped about the new model....

The one thing that I think I am gonna hate about the new the shape. The iolite fits soooo well in a pocket. It is almost shaped like a pocket even.... I never use that black zipper pouch....too big and bulky....but I pop the tube off the iolite and just put it all in my pocket....fits perfect...cant even see it.

The wispr is square...and I understand why.....and I am excited about the better mouthpeice....bigger hits...and all that...But it is gonna look like a big, fat, noticable, ugly, honk'en, square print right for everyone to see through a pocket. :mad:

Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI to everyone about the mouthpiece: it still gets as hot as the old one did. I honestly see no discernible difference in heat and, from time to time, i'll have to stop taking a hit because the mouthpiece still gets pretty hot. It hasn't been a major annoyance or anything (just like it wasn't on the original iolite) but just so everyones knows. Luckily, there is a mouthpiece extension you can order which I think I will try out.


Idiot (no relation to the Savants)
max said:
You didn't, but maybe using 'or' instead of 'and' would have been better.

Oh, pish posh!

max said:
From the few reports we've seen so far, I'd say significant would be more appropriate than noticeable, but opinions may vary.

Yes, I'd agree. I just tend to play things a little down so as to keep my expectations low. The lower those are, the less likely it is for me to get terribly disappointed about material things. But I am surely hoping that these initial impressions of significant difference in hit when compared to the iolite will be consistent with upcoming reviews!

max said:
We'll see, once there are more reviews out. And if someone is doing a comparison based on a one time use of the iolite 2 yrs. ago, I wouldn't give that A/B test much credence.


My opinion is that with this design, the temp does go up some after it's been on for a while, just due to the heating chamber collecting and retaining heat. The fact that you get thicker hits after 5-10 minutes seems to support it.

That is interesting. How much time does this take to heat up again? Man, I gotta read this thread again with a little bit more concentration. I'd probably not hang around long enough to take advantage of the accumulated heat over time that you refer to. One thing I don't like about vaporizing is that often a session takes too long. I wanna just hit it and get back to whatever it was that I was doing. I think this is another reason my interest in the Iolite waned (I had/have the impression one needs to be toking on it for a while).

For a portable, i.e. something that is actually, usable-y portable, lighter temp hits (at around 190/195) should be acceptable. It does necessitate the hassle of having to collect and retain abv on the go, but that needn't be a big drawback I guess.

Re the Solo vs. Wispr thing, I actually see them possibly complementing each other. The Solo is not really a portable as it is an efficient and relatively well hitting vape that can move with you, if you really want.


Why smoke and die, when you can vape and fly?
Horses for courses. :|

Solo for home. :)

iolite / Wispr for home, street, park, movie, camping, concert, wedding. ;)

MFLB for bus, train, gym, yoga class, funeral, church, synagogue, mosque, Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall, whatever. :)

That sadly :( doesn't resolve the iolite v. Wisper dilemma. :roll eyes:

(And sadly, according to Steven Fry, "Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.")


Revolting Peasant
obelisk said:
That is interesting. How much time does this take to heat up again?
I've said 15-20min before. That's a very conservative time frame (I know Max advocates less), but the thermocline has definately levelled off by this time and peak performance is guaranteed (I also live in a very cold house and climate.). I turn it on and forget about it for usually 10 min plus maybe (no idea how many heating cycles- 5+) , then load on the chamber and leave it for another 5-10 min or so. I don't believe I lose any meaningful amount of vapor during this time whilst it's sitting (what little is is condensed in the stem), and when I pick it up it's visible and tasty hits straight away. Anyone struggling with an Iolite should try this approach first IMO, before dismissing the vape. Not saying it won't work well with less heating time, just for me this is the way to guarantee satisfying efficacy. The only complaint I have about the Iolite is the reliability, even when using Colibri/Newport exclusively. But all this does does mean that the IO isn't the best for a quick stealthy vape. Instead it's suited more a longer stealthy vape session IMO (car trips and out fishing). Quick stealthy vaping requirements justify my ownership of my MFLB.

Also whilst I'm here; I'm always on the look out for thicker vapor and I was seriously considering the Optimiser for the Iolite. But I've noticed that the WISPR doen't include any vapor optimiser. I was thinking that if the principle was sound and the optimiser was indeed and improvement then it would have been included in this new and improved design? But it's not. And I've not really seen enough reviews to make up my mind, and what few there are don't provide a consensus. Do they even produce an Optimiser for the WISPR? ( I suppose I'll go and look, but the website is down!) I suppose the bowl design is slightly different, and it looks deeper and narrower. But not that different. So should I take this as an indication not to bother with the Iolite Optimiser?


Why smoke and die, when you can vape and fly?
Horses for courses. :|

Solo for home. :)

iolite / Wispr for home, street, park, movie, camping, concert, wedding. ;)

MFLB for bus, train, gym, yoga class, funeral, church, synagogue, mosque, Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall, whatever. :)

That sadly :( doesn't resolve the iolite v. Wisper dilemma. :roll eyes:

(And sadly, according to Steven Fry, "Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.")


Out to lunch
One thing I don't like about vaporizing is that often a session takes too long. I wanna just hit it and get back to whatever it was that I was doing. I think this is another reason my interest in the Iolite waned (I had/have the impression one needs to be toking on it for a while).
Finishing a bowl can take a while with the iolite (and I'm sure this one will be the same) because it holds so much. If you load it up you'll get hits for quite a while. The set temp also contributes to this, since a higher temp can cache a bowl pretty quick. I guess it depends on how many hits you need from a model like this. I do tend to finish off an iolite bowl, vs. switching it off and starting it back up again later, but just taking a few pulls and saving the rest for later is an option.

How much time does this take to heat up again?
I've gotten tasty hits (but not vaporous ones) in as little as 90 sec., but usually wait 2-3 min. The wispr is supposed to be quicker to reach vaping temp.

WatTyler said:
I've said 15-20min before. That's a very conservative time frame (I know Max advocates less), but the thermocline has definately levelled off by this time and peak performance is guaranteed (I also live in a very cold house and climate.). I turn it on and forget about it for usually 10 min plus maybe (no idea how many heating cycles- 5+) , then load on the chamber and leave it for another 5-10 min or so. I don't believe I lose any meaningful amount of vapor during this time whilst it's sitting (what little is is condensed in the stem), and when I pick it up it's visible and tasty hits straight away. Anyone struggling with an Iolite should try this approach first IMO, before dismissing the vape.
I don't necessarily advocate starting at 90 sec.-2 min. from a cold start/load, but I've done it a lot and have had success with that time frame. The time frame you use would definitely provide maximum heating, as far as giving the heating chamber and bowl time to heat up. I'd be interested in seeing the state of the herb after that much time, before taking a hit. If you're going to preheat that long, I do think you've got the right method, as far as letting it heat up empty, then loading. I'd be inclined to preheat for 15 min. (if you're not in a hurry), then load and wait maybe 5 min., vs. 10. Preheating for 10-15, then loading and hitting it right away should also give pretty good results.

Hai_Rypo_T'head said:
That sadly doesn't resolve the iolite v. Wisper dilemma.
I think it comes down to whether you're OK with basic transportation and lower cost, or are willing to pay more for some extra features and richer vapor hits. Right now the price difference is about $60-110, depending on where you buy.


Well-Known Member
Since the operating temperatures are supposedly the same, I wonder what is causing the better hits on the WISPR over the Iolite? I can think of two things. First would be a redesigned airflow that allows less air through, increasing density. The other thing would be that the element/bowl have better heat retention than the previous model, which would explain why it cycles less.


Out to lunch
nr-cole said:
Since the operating temperatures are supposedly the same, I wonder what is causing the better hits on the WISPR over the Iolite? I can think of two things. First would be a redesigned airflow that allows less air through, increasing density. The other thing would be that the element/bowl have better heat retention than the previous model, which would explain why it cycles less.
From a reseller site- "The Wispr portable vaporizer uses the same heating catalyst and thermodynamic system as the Iolite, but it does so with advanced efficiency. Less butane is used in the heating process...."

That's the only thing I've read that may account for better hits. More efficient butane use may result in better hits. Your idea that they've restricted air flow may be the answer too. Seems more likely than better heat retention in the bowl, since that would come into play after it was on for a while. Someone said better hits are apparent early on, as soon as it heats up.


Why smoke and die, when you can vape and fly?
Apologies for the double post. Must be something wrong with my iolite. :/


Well-Known Member
toon717 said:
So...I ordered the new wispr the other day. Should be here Monday. I am currently an iolite user...actually have two of them. I think they are great....I was looking for something healther....and started vaping about a year ago....bought several types....but the iolite has been the I am super pumped about the new model....

The one thing that I think I am gonna hate about the new the shape. The iolite fits soooo well in a pocket. It is almost shaped like a pocket even.... I never use that black zipper pouch....too big and bulky....but I pop the tube off the iolite and just put it all in my pocket....fits perfect...cant even see it.

The wispr is square...and I understand why.....and I am excited about the better mouthpeice....bigger hits...and all that...But it is gonna look like a big, fat, noticable, ugly, honk'en, square print right for everyone to see through a pocket. :mad:

Just my 2 cents.

I just got mine today and have just unpacked it, filled it with butane and am letting it all cycle all the way through. 1:45+ and it's still going. I would 100% agree with Toon. Obviously, it's not productive to stew or piss and moan about things that you have no control over...or beat a dead horse as seems to be the fashion on these kinds of boards. With that said though, Iolite's touts that they hired a prodigious firm to redesign the aesthetics of the unit only means that they must have hired non-canabis consumers for this task. When I first opened up the big box and looked at the WISPR box, my first thought was "holy crap, I hope this thing is not as big as the image on the side"...and it is. If they were seeking to improve the unit cosmetically, it's shocking that they didn't think about stealthiness. It's at least 1/3 inch deeper than the Iolite and doesn't fit into a back pocket like the Iolite. It's also decently heavier even without butane. The other obvious visual qualities you can see in the picture. Box fan design and pastel colors, really?

I will say that the butane level meter and the quantity of butane that it can handle are nice improvements. The on/off switch and immediate cessation of butane cycles is also a bonus. However, it's no cooler to the touch or quieter than the Iolite. It may even be louder and hotter around the mouthpiece region (north of the orange light). The orange light also seems brighter and easier to see. Is it better than my Iolite? Not really sure about that. Never had a problem and used it extensively. Price was not a factor for me, but overall operation was. We'll see.

Does anyone know what the copper colored metal tool with the flat top and threads on the bottom is for?


Well-Known Member
jhpfunk said:
However, it's no cooler to the touch or quieter than the Iolite. It may even be louder and hotter around the mouthpiece region (north of the orange light).

Hmmm....wonder why they would name this new piece the Wispr, if in fact, it is not quieter than the original.

On the other hand, maybe they are implying that it provides wisps of vapor instead of clouds of vapor.

Interesting reading on these reviews with some great pics.

Personally, I really dislike the retro design. Ultra modern...............50's style. There are some that may really like the looks of this, but from a design team perspective, it seems kind of odd being that the vape market is a small niche market to begin with, that they would offer up a design that would seem to narrow that niche even smaller and to add to that that it seems that it would fit more uncomfortably in the hand than the original.

Kind of reminds of what the design team at Ford did when they came out with the Edsel.

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