The Walking Dead...


Humanist & Discgolfer
Do you read the comic/watch the show? I bought the Compendium Vol 1. more than a year ago, then noticed the show would be premiering Halloween, and have been watching since. Good stuff to read/watch while engaged in some of our other favorite hobbies...



Well-Known Member
Do not know anything about the comic, but the show is kinda bad...

Still been watching it, waiting for it to come around


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
i like the show personally. what I think sucks though is there is alot of stuff in the book that was new and fresh that has been done in film since the book has come out. So it is no longer new and fresh once it makes it to the screen. If you read the comic I think you would have more appreciation for what is on screen, even how frank darabount decided to stray from the storyline in this past episode.
And if your waiting for it to come around you might have to wait until the second season. This season only has one more episode left before it's done. 6 episodes short season.


Unconscious Objector
Have been reading the comic since issue #1, and dvr'ing/watching the show since episode #1. Quite frankly, it's a wet dream come true, in my opinion.



Well-Known Member
i've missed a couple episodes but i'm really liking it. maybe i'll put the comics on my christmas list...


Well-Known Member
I hadn't heard of either the comic or the show before I opened this thread. I've watched a few episodes now and it's pretty decent. Thanks for the tip.


Serial vapist
I really liked teh show after seeing the premier, but it really dropped off after that. Too much drama, not enough zombie head splatters.

The episode before last ended pretty nicely tho, and last ep was decent. Hopefully it keeps things action packed.


Cloud Master
Season 2 started a couple of weeks ago! This season is 13 episodes, can't wait to see how it evolves :brow:
Gonna search the web for the comic!


Great Scott!
I watch the show and LOVE it. I'm a huge zombie fan.

The last episode was just sad and there was MAYBE a handful of zombies if that. Very very good show though!


Vaporizer Superstore
I really enjoy the show and look forward to watching a full 13 episode season this year. I haven't read the comics, but my roommate has and said there were some really dark events in the books that he doesn't see how they could pull it off on television. It'll be fun to see where they go with this.


Well-Known Member
I thought it would be an awesome show but I'm 5 episodes in to season one. And I must say the best episode was the first one. I want to like it and I hope episode 6 and season 2 are good, but so far it hasn't been what I expected.

Although it has some cool moments and really good production values! I can't believe that much violence is allowed on TV! Some of the characters it concentrated on where unlikable in my opinion, but that's probably the biggest fault.


errl enthusiast
just read #90 today and woah, went way different than i expected though im sure kirkmans got some nasty things cooked up...

episode 2 of season 2 was pretty good, but man you tv viewers gotta check out the comics, waaay more fucked up and awesome
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