What was it that you found?
I was on my way to HD when I got called into a job...
Hopefully I will have a chance to put together something for tomorrow.
Found this...

This is the piece I found. Almost complete as far as PVC parts right here by itself. The middle piece comes out completely, planned on tossing it. That leaves the bottom two pieces of the pic, the main body and cap. The cap is threaded and is 1/2 of a decent sized chamber... the other 1/2 is the body. Both ends of this chamber have a "ledge" so could accommodate a screen and I planned on housing charcoal in there. The main body, which had ledges and would also accommodate screens I planned on inserting a few dryer sheets.
What issue did I have? I wanted to cap both ends. To make a completely sealed unit, even if by press fittings, so the unit would not be filtering ambient air or losing its potency just sitting around. (Hell, for all I know, sitting around the charcoal may absorb the scent from the dryer sheets). Anyhow, I couldn't find a cap for the bottom end (or what I'd consider the mouthpiece).
Am going to revisit this, but at a different hardware store.
Good luck!