Well-Known Member
Hey guys mr UFO burned his hands completely here!! Nah just kiddin'
Here are some pointers for using the UFO after u did the cleaning process getting rid of the machining residues.
Lets say the UFO is cold,
1.start by setting up your (heavy duty) torch use a flame with the inner blue cone about an inch long. Be carefull not to set anything on fire!! Best done outside or at own risque inside after taking proper precautions.
2.Hold the UFO at its chain, the bigger steel mass, at the tip of this inner cone in the flame for about 1 and a half to 2 minutes or until u see the flame around the UFO go reddish/orange, can be cumbersome but doable. Maybe some sort of stand can be employed here something u can come up with.
3.Now put the UFO on the Cone/bowl and let it sit for about 2-3 mins to get thermal equilibrium.
4 Heat again for 2 mins, this is my standard time, but u better watch for the flame getting reddish/orange again depends on how hot u want it. this time will go a little faster the heat up.
5.Put the UFO back on the bowl and let it sit for just about a minute maybe just 30 secs.
6.Drop a portion of herbs in the bowl. This is where u should start experimenting with what u like. I Usually drop some herbs in there and try to see it start vaporizing, when that happens im sort of good and i do a pull. If i'm not good I start torching the top(flame about half an inch sort off) of the Sublimator(UFO + Atomizer) around the pin until the vapor start escaping from the top of the pin and pull again. Mostly its producing very good at that point.
7. From now It's up to you, u can reheat the top again and hit again after refilling the bowl. Might not be best solution to allrdy but your herbs in the bowl and start torching the top but its good indicator for me that the process is working and I can do a hit or 2.
8.If you wanna know if the bowl/atomizer is hot enough u can make your fingers wet and try touching the bowl atomizer around where the teflon sits. If it sizzles your good.
This method works for me. Thought I would share.
greetz and keep SUb'ing
2: Hold the bigger steel mass in your torch fire for about 3 mins, it will prolly come out red hot, this will ensure a faster heat up getting to equilibrium and higher vape temp in the end.
3. Put the UFO back on the bowl and let it sit for just about a minute or 2. Feel the bowl to get a feel as to when to go to step 4.
4. heat the UFO again for 2 to 3 mins, this is variable for everyone i guess + take into account it was done inside, U can torch for 3 mins lets say and see how your abv comes out. Mine comes out almost instant dark I guess this is a more complete extraction. If you want more of a tasty hit less darkening of the ABV then u have to cut back on the heating time second time around 2 mins is enough even 2mins30 secs is still good.
There we go the rest stays the same. This is lets say the heavy hit type of way to heat it and this does remind me indeed of a genuine bonghit without all the bullshit comming inside your body.
The method I described before is also usable to start with but is the softer approach with the tastier hits, first u heat up to basic temp (equilibrium/vapetemp) after that u can put the herb in and heat the top of the UFO (the pin and the plate where its connected) and the bowl a little bit to get to your desired temperature if not there allready. reheat between hits, UFO + bowl don't forget now you are the heater u need to maintain it. man i can't wait for the electro version

Keep on Sub'ing!!

PS: don't overfill it