Subdivision Founder / Sublimator Ambassador
I just love seeing people vaping in public...![]()
I like your style bro. Love to see people using it so openly.
I just love seeing people vaping in public...![]()
I have a similar fetish.I just love seeing people vaping in public...![]()
It's for the weight and insurance, the Blaze bong had an extra $7 charge too. Shipping for everything else was free though.from planetvape? i thought everything over $130 was free ('cept butane)
they look ultrafine and ultra inexpensive. working well for you in your sub?
I like your style bro. Love to see people using it so openly.
I keep thinking there's got to be a way to pre-heat the UFO at home using some kind of candle set up or something, safely of course. Maybe some kind of metal stand where it can sit over the flame of a small candle (tea light) and get hot with out burning up your torch. I grew up with potpourri oil burners that ran on tea lights to heat the oils and make them smell. UFO TEA LIGHT STANDThen you could put the warm UFO on and get it up to temp much faster with out using up all your butane and putting the wear on the torch... you out there EnrReplyico? I know you are on the road but I hope you see this. Or some kind of hot plate might work, but then you have to deal with electricity. I have a coffee cup warmer that would probably keep it fairly warm, to cut back on the heating time... woke up brainstorming so you just have to bear with me here folks... passing ideas along is all. I don't have a UFO yet, but want one, and hoping to clear up some funds in the near future to put towards getting one. Some kind of UFO stand might be good to have anyway so you have a place to put it when its hot, and you need to remove it from the atomizer. Why not make it so you can slip a tea light under where the UFO rests in the stand? It would probably not be a far stretch from the design of the Apollo Bay stand that's already being made.
d'oh, it just dawned on me that the candle might make soot on the bottom of the UFO, so maybe it would have to be another method... but the general idea is good.
I was thinking along those lines as well Jam. Keep thinking
About the candle light, how would one go to work with this thing when using a campfire? :s on top of a grill or something?
I don't believe a candle would do much. From what I have seen, that unit has to really be torched red to get up to the proper temp.
A frying pan full of coals indoors sounds like trouble waiting to happen.
You obviously don't hookah your shisha very much! Keep the frying pan on the stove if it makes you feel better, no more dangerous than cooking an egg.
I don't believe a candle would do much. From what I have seen, that unit has to really be torched red to get up to the proper temp.
A frying pan full of coals indoors sounds like trouble waiting to happen.
I completely agree with you grokit; I've had the Sublimator almost a month and I have yet to clean it except the one time that I poked my glass stirrer from the Extreme Q through on account of having not remembered to put the screen back into the Atomizer prior to packing a bowl.
i'd hate the soot build up that would form on the ufo from a candle. burning wax is dirty shit. not in my lungs thanks.
hold a piece of metal over a candle and test this if you don't believe me.
if you mean the stuff under where your new ultrafine screen is, then yes, that's why i started using itthe only cleaning I would suggest is to unscrew the 2 pieces of the atomizer occasionally and clean out the junk that collects there. I don't add it to my sublimate. I like to keep that stuff prestine. (reg clear and consistent)
is this build up not happening to anyone else?
If i don't do this I find the handle will start to spin freely while the 2 pieces remain solid. this is not optimal for me as it messes with balances.
+1 on the variety pack PV sells. i put the ultra fine one at the bottom of the 2nd narrowing with the stop grill on top (it doesn't fit down the 2nd narrowing at all.)