i'm using my DR dewaar beaker, with a cloud buddy, similar to jam's setup.
the width on bottom and thinness on top is really helping it be stable. the
intake is above eye-line so dabs are a little bit of a neck crane, but so worth it.
it's amazing how much you can get with so little. and then quick dump and quick fill.
i can't waiiit to try the sublimate.
thankfully these stacks and balls full of shatter and budder and sap will hold me over.
seriously, this master kush and i could go run laps. maybe i'll do that right after i eat

moved the screen, draw got better. got pv screens on the way as well.
they really should machine a little divot for the screen to lock into, i'm talkin microns.
and this kill-a-watt is mandatory (again cheers to g2b).