I wouldn't know the specifics to your model, I have the make-shift wonka-doodle-doo looking OG

, but have you tried turning the dial down ? Don't get hung up on numbers, my dial looks like a 20cent china light dimmer switch, no numbers or markings, had to do that ourselves with markers. Just turn it down if the roast is too much, and learn to take into account ambient temperature, which has an amazingly strong influence on 'thermal equilibrium'. I still use the sub almost everyday, for like, 3 years now? can't even remember properly

. To me it is still the closest you are gonna have a vape get to a bonghit: a more tasty, way more efficient hammer. As for the 'sublimate,' the OG has a longer downstem on the atomizer if I'm not mistaken, so maybe that is having an influence, nevertheless, it could be that your numbers aren't that far off of mine. It takes a long time for enough to build up, but once you get a drop, and don't clean it, you'll get a new drop sooner, and after the next sooner again. There comes a point, unfortunately, when you have to stop this process because it will increasingly influence flavor in a negative way, and the texture of the sublimate seems to make a downward spiral as well. Be patient, don't clean that bastard until you get at least one drop, and maybe someone else can chip in with regards to whether or not the shorter atomizer downstem influences sublimate buildup.
Good day