Discontinued The Stealthvape

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I've seen Tai stippers and geishas smoking a cig with their vaginas.. :) It will be far more healthier and pleasurable if they switch to Stealth vape.. :) Some can even a VB .
Abysmal Vapor,


Revolting Peasant
lol It would be some delicate muscle control required to nurse micro hits from a MFLB style system. I would be impressed! :cool:


Noob Saibot

Today is officially stealthvape day, and I guess no one is getting their stealthvape!?

I emailed them, and they said today "is not a good day" to come by and get it.

Unfortunately, when I pre-ordered it, there was no "PICK UP" option for shipping. Now there is one. I emailed them to ask them to change - and got a response that I could not understand, and I still don't know when I can get it, of IF I can go get it.

I hope they realize they are walking a fine line, customer service is what makes and breaks many companies!




b l z
SF Giant said:
:/ worst video ever

Honestly I am going to have to agree, the pictures looked so much better than the final product.... the only use anyone will truly have out of one of these is like smoking in your high school bathroom but I'm pretty sure the majority of the vape community is long past that. >.>

I don't want to sound like a troll or anything but there is just so much better on the market for just a tad more of your monies! :p


Well-Known Member
sessnet maybe they need you to bring them some real material to vaporize


Noob Saibot
The video is shite - but that's not their fault I guess. This vape is made(?)/sold in New York - where there is no medical law, and if they used any kind of herb, it would probably get them noticed quick!

So the video doesn't show anything as far as clouds go, but at least it finally shows something. Does it show that it works? no.

About the price, I think it's good, and there is no other one-piece electronic vape, that small, yet. Instead of carrying around extra batteries for a vape, I could just carry around a bunch of these....maybe.

hogleg said:
sessnet maybe they need you to bring them some real material to vaporize
I wanted to take today off...to go there. But I can imagine a bunch of Brooklyn hipster dudes - lining up outside - reeking like weed, smoking, and carrying their own stashes. They probably didn't want that happening :) Although, I can't wait for that day to happen.

unhallow- I really like your avatar picture!


b l z

I understand what you mean with the law and herb, but I am from Texas and it is illegal here as well (#1prisions)... but ever since i started vaping over a year ago keeping the fact that i smoke hidden is very simple. this product is a cool concept for underage kids and very paranoid people imho.. hell if you want a real vape i was looking at that karma coming out in march... not that much more expensive for so many other advantages than just being discreet... :peace:

EDIT: haha thanks for the ava compliment sess


Noob Saibot
lol I like the way you think. But I wouldn't shoot down this vape for trying to do what it is trying to do - I would still give it a chance. I have the least paranoia of all my friends, I know what paranoia can do. However - I like the idea of something "compact" like this. The mflb is not as "neat" as this -with all the parts that can break or stick out/move. I will look into the Karma.

An update from Alex @ stealthvape (I assume, because he is reading this post ):

I will get mine - just like everyone else, when they get sent out in the mail.


SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
It was both interesting and disappointing to see how it works, 30 second heat up, turn it off!? Then hit it? Seems like you'd be lucky to get a wisp of vapor but hopefully im wrong, i gotta think better results could be acheived by leaving it on to hit it.
SF Giant,


Despite the complaints this vape is still the easiest, cheapest, and most portable vape on the market right now. 90 bucks with the discount? Just about anyone can afford that without breaking the bank.

The video was a minor let down but I am willing to bet this baby runs great and has use in any vaporizers collection. I do not think it is limited to "paranoid highschool kids" and that type of dismissal overlooks some very legit uses. Driving in the car, at a concert or the movies, when being extra conservative, walking in the city, at the bar and many more. The totally enclosed design allows maximum portability, it really just seems like an even more sleek MFLB (which is my favorite vape)


b l z
Well, just so you guys know this i posted 2 replies to the YouTube video they posted. The poster of the video StealthVape responded to my first comment half assed and asking why i disliked the product. I either made stealthvape really mad or hit my 2nd comment right on the target because within a few minutes not only did he not reply but i see he deleted booth my posts and blocked me. :lol: This just showed complete unprofessionalism on their part my comments were not very offensive either! I even wished them the best of luck~ but hey it's all good. Just a confirmation to my previous assumptions about this college level product they are trying to market! :lol:


Noob Saibot

Totally agree with you IchTuDerWeh

unhallow said:
Well, just so you guys know this i posted 2 replies to the YouTube video they posted. The poster of the video StealthVape responded to my first comment half assed and asking why i disliked the product. I either made stealthvape really mad or hit my 2nd comment right on the target because within a few minutes not only did he not reply but i see he deleted booth my posts. This just showed complete unprofessionalism on their part my comments were not very offensive either! I even wished them the best of luck~ but hey it's all good. Just a confirmation to my previous assumptions about this college level product they are trying to market! :lol:

Please post what you wrote - and what they wrote back - I am really interested


b l z
@ sessnet

I really wish I took a screenshot but when he deleted them and blocked me it was kind of over. He almost instantly replied to my first comment tho, if you look at the video comments i think he still left one @unhallow99

EDIT: Ahh I got him to make all comments under approval now... really?


Noob Saibot
So what exactly did you say that they didn't like? I think deleting negative comments is very unsportsmanlike...but still wondering what exactly you could have said.


b l z
sessnet said:
So what exactly did you say that they didn't like? I think deleting negative comments is very unsportsmanlike...but still wondering what exactly you could have said.

Honestly man, It was not very negative atall.. I'm a business major and i was merely commenting who his target audience was, how much they really spent making each product for the price they were selling it at and the fact that the design was so simple any one with a little background in electronics could make or atleast rig together. Truth be told i liked the idea of this vape before i saw the finished product in that video today. :/


unhallow said:
sessnet said:
So what exactly did you say that they didn't like? I think deleting negative comments is very unsportsmanlike...but still wondering what exactly you could have said.

Honestly man, It was not very negative atall.. I'm a business major and i was merely commenting who his target audience was, how much they really spent making each product for the price they were selling it at and the fact that the design was so simple any one with a little background in electronics could make or atleast rig together. Truth be told i liked the idea of this vape before i saw the finished product in that video today. :/

That is very negative and childish actually, this company has been trying to mass produce a vaporizer and your bother to leave such rediculous comments. Just because you have a degree does not give you the right to publicly mock the people hard at work on this. Do you really expect them to divulge such information directly before the release of their product??

Honestly I am bewildered by this type of behavior


I think its a little early to throw the baby out with the bath water.

That video, and I follow the consensus, was the biggest step they've made toward turning people off to the product. The deleting of comments is also exceptionally aggravating because terrible customer service separates a great product from a terrible one, especially in such a dodgy area as vaporizers where the market is flooded with cheap knockoffs.

All that video did was confirm exactly what I was capable of imagining for myself: you material in, turn on, after some time you vape. For me the videos im really interested in seeing are the ones from objective customers. I can't imagine their reasoning for giving the public such a shotty video after their efforts thus far to remain professional, but I'm sure they have one.

I think we can all agree that in concept and design, this product has the ability to fill that "discrete" niche better than a lot out there today. Hopefully, the execution will not fall short. I suspect by the end of the week we'll know if this is truly what we all want it to be: a way to vape in the mall parking lot so we can tolerate spending time with our gfs. lolol


Seriously, you blatantly tell them their product is so simple anyone could do it and expected them to sau "oh your totally right nevermind well cancell our product goodbye"

You must be a freshman buisness major if thats how you conduct yourself


IchTuDerWeh said:
unhallow said:
sessnet said:
So what exactly did you say that they didn't like? I think deleting negative comments is very unsportsmanlike...but still wondering what exactly you could have said.

Honestly man, It was not very negative atall.. I'm a business major and i was merely commenting who his target audience was, how much they really spent making each product for the price they were selling it at and the fact that the design was so simple any one with a little background in electronics could make or atleast rig together. Truth be told i liked the idea of this vape before i saw the finished product in that video today. :/

That is very negative and childish actually, this company has been trying to mass produce a vaporizer and your bother to leave such rediculous comments. Just because you have a degree does not give you the right to publicly mock the people hard at work on this. Do you really expect them to divulge such information directly before the release of their product??

Honestly I am bewildered by this type of behavior

While I totally agree with you that his comments seem irrelevant and inappropriate, the way a company handles such situations is indicative of their willingness to work with customers. And deleting comments and ignoring even the most abrasive of customers is unprofessional. There are ways to diffuse such situations delicately and save face.

I think its interesting they would post their video to a site like youtube and then censor feedback or questions. If that was their plan I imagined they would've internally host the video only.


Ionbawl I would normally agree but today is the first day of shipping, we know they have been under immense pressure to complete and ship theur product. I am sure the very little.time they have canot be spent responding to troll questions.


Definitely interested in how this turns out. Wasn't impressed by the demo video, looking forward to legit reviews.
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