College football coma continued . . .
Glued to ESPN
U all day today I realized a couple things. Like USC is going to "The Farm" to play Stanford. This is going to be an awesome game, must DVR since I will be tailgating at Autzen Stadium for Michigan State. But I was wondering what
@Stu thought about the upcoming match. Best part is one team will have a (L)oss afterwards . . .
Also pondering what this game against Michigan State really means. Its the entire season really. We stand a great chance of loosing this game and to do so would be disaster. To say I'm "concerned" would be an understatement. Fortunately we looked pretty sharp on our season opener against the SD Coyotes, here is the highlight reel, note the unveiling of Royce Freeman. Mark him down ladies and gentlemen, Royce is the real deal . . .
Oh yeah, got my yellow t-shirt like the ticket says. Didn't have one yet . . .