Discontinued The Splinter by RBT

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Well-Known Member
@Fat Freddy Milaana malfunctions have been nearly non-existent as there's nearly nothing to go wrong other than breaking the glass. Two or three early OGs had cool heaters. Until the recent shortened unit returns are nearly non-existent other than broken glass.

Back on topic... I am sitting here enjoying my first production intent Splinter. All up until now where only in my hands for a skinny minute before they where sent off to @Other Side and the rest of the Beta team.

I am happy to report that all pre-orders are complete and awaiting the mouthpiece screens to ship. This batch will be field tested for several weeks and provided all goes well another batch will be built. These initial units will provide feedback and any issues found will be addressed along with the current list. Things on the current list include recessing the 510, adding some shape to the wood, 510 fitting improvements etc. These changes are "nice to have's" so only changes with minimal risk and added cost will be implemented.

In addition, RBT labs will be moving to our new location so a few weeks of shutdown will cause some delay. Another immediate focus will be a fair amount of Milaana production so please be patient with the pace of Splinter to allow us to do a slow, controlled launch to ensure our customers receive a safe and reliable product.

Good to have you back on FC and appreciate the updates. Can’t wait to get my splinter!

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I love my milaanas and zion but it isn't always ideal to be in the first shipping group. Those minor mods that are nice but not essential get left out. On the other hand there's minimal wait and they still work great.
I'm still waiting for my mod to arrive. Hope it comes before my splinter.


Honi soit qui mal y pense
@RastaBuddhaTao, what do you guess when other/exotic woods will come in action?

One sidenote to the wood enclosure. Did you've tried to make the bottom plain with sharp edges and the top with rounded edges - just the opposite of existing shape. I guess I would look more harmoniously when atttached to a mod regarding design.
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Well-Known Member
@Hogni we plan to select a few exotics that are attractive and process well with the first run with our new supplier here in the mountains of northern NY. Thanks for the idea but unfortunately the wood at the top is thin around the glass to keep the size down. This prevents any radius at the top.

@Summer thanks for the suggestion... Done

Lazy Lighting

Well-Known Member
I have been thinking allot about projects with a DIY kit. I really like home portables. I would love to make a bigger form factor. Not so big that you wouldnt want to take it out. More ergonomic with a compartment for herb. Before I quit combusting my favorite pieces were always mid/large Sherlock's. One idea was to make something that would snap into a j hook with magnets....but I need to do way more research first.

Agree with what you are saying with voltage. I amke battery powered pi zero projects and there are components that regulate the charge. Is there something similar that can handle dual 18560?
Lazy Lighting,


Well-Known Member
@Hogni we plan to select a few exotics that are attractive and process well with the first run with our new supplier here in the mountains of northern NY. Thanks for the idea but unfortunately the wood at the top is thin around the glass to keep the size down. This prevents any radius at the top.

@Summer thanks for the suggestion... Done
Ryan are we going to be issued what's available, wood wise, or will we be able to chose. Im a way down the line at#130, but was wondering what the plan was for this. Also have you settled on a price? It does not, really, matter to me but some have inquired.

Fat Freddy

Alrighty then…let’s see now.

Reliable heater/mesh……..check
Internal heater improvements forthcoming..….check
Splinter fits on most box mods……check

Sounds like we’re ready to go here…..so if @RastaBuddhaTao will just go ahead and drop a walnut unit in the mail to me tomorrow, then I’ll be happy to send payment next Tuesday! ✌

Yeah, yeah, yeah…..I know, there are some 200 plus members already on the waiting list in front of me. No biggie because I’m fairly certain that @KeroZen wants me to take one of his top 10 spots in line soooooo…..let’s rock and roll! :rockon::rockon::rockon:





I have been thinking allot about projects with a DIY kit. I really like home portables. I would love to make a bigger form factor. Not so big that you wouldnt want to take it out. More ergonomic with a compartment for herb. Before I quit combusting my favorite pieces were always mid/large Sherlock's. One idea was to make something that would snap into a j hook with magnets....but I need to do way more research first.

Agree with what you are saying with voltage. I amke battery powered pi zero projects and there are components that regulate the charge. Is there something similar that can handle dual 18560?
Check the Milaana DIY project thread in the DIY subforum!

little maggie

Well-Known Member
I won't be well enough to return to vaping for a few months. I've been doing a tiny bit but I'm pretty anxious about any coughing which is unavoidable. So, I don't know if this is an option but I'd like to trade with someone who is a bit farther down the list. Maybe in the 50s range? I don't know how all of this is working and if everyone else has prepaid. I guess the other option is to ask RBT to move me to whatever batch he'll be getting out around May. Otherwise it will just sit on my shelf for several months which is probably ok too.


Pobre payaso

I tried to send you a pm but can't even get to your profile page lol. Anyway, I send you an email through your info@rastabuddhatao. Please check it out when you get a chance.



Putin is a War Criminal
I don't recall seeing this posted, but in lieu of having to search forward starting at Dec. 21, forgive me if I'm being redundant.
Interesting review of all 3 RBT products. He is a little too casual (for me) in his battery behavior (IE:Zion should be matched pair) but I agree with pretty much all else he said. And I haven't tried the Splinter yet.
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Free Men Don't Ask
He is a little too casual (for me) in his battery behavior (IE:Zion should be matched pair)
I've seen people say this a lot, but is there any actual scientific data or real world proof showing that it matters? As long as they're the same kind of battery I can't imagine it would. I've used unmatched pairs for years in ecig mods/flashlights and never had an issue.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Well, it only needs to blow up once, ya know?

This is not an area where I have expertise, but instead I rely on others I trust. They all, to a person, warn about unmatched pairs and/or disrespecting the power and potential for 18650s to behave in very unpleasant ways. I have seen video of exploding mods and ecigs. It is not that hard to treat them with respect and care. Why not just follow the rules?

Even RBT is a believer. Click the top line in my sig...


Chronic vapaholic
@Cheesequake: yes it matters, in the Zion at least. You should pair them by cell model as well as by internal resistance. And the pairing doesn't last forever, you should check regularly that they didn't age differently.

If the device has per-cell voltage display and the appropriate protections built-in, it's less of an issue as it should cut before you can really damage the weak cell. But in unprotected devices, the weaker cell voltage will drop faster than the other, and you can end up over-discharging it.

Normally these cells die gracefully, so it shouldn't be catastrophic, but every-time you over-discharge past 2.5V, there is a risk of creating internal damage to the cell, which in turn will increase its internal resistance even more. After that it's a vicious cycle...
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