Well-Known Member
Private message him here @RastaBuddhaTao ?I have to ask if you can get a reply why cant I? I have been trying for 2 weeks to get confirmation that the pre order I payed for has actually been shipped or not! Ive tryed every email address I have ever received anything from rbt on and also the website contact me form and still no joy...
I have been very patient up till now but not knowing if my order is in the post or still sitting on his desk is killing me.
I understand he is a very smart inventor but it doesn't take the best business brain to understand if you just dont reply to paying customers or let them know the product they payed for is en route its not the best way to encorage more business to come through the door. Even if you have the best product on the market!
Please can someone who Ryan will reply to try to find out what is going on please...
Or the subreddit?
Hit him up on
which is the official home of the @RastaBuddhaTao Z-Team?
I don't know your email provider but there are dozens of reasons he might not be seeing your email.
Frankly, though, if all you're waiting for is a shipping confirmation, you'd be wasting Ryan's bandwidth if you're asking him to restate his detailed communication about setbacks and delays.
What about your situation needs clarification? Your item hasn't shipped yet in all likelihood. And?
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