This thread just made me imagine a long LSV wand with this little puppy. I miss that wand. Anyway, while it will look really funny, it would be great for home use.
Yep mostly all elev8 glass is 26mm so you need to use an O ring to squish in there or cut the joint down. However I do have one beastly long piece I got from them that fits. I can confirm it looks really funny but is great for home use.I have one and it doesn’t work in my Mi or my Zion (the female joint is too shallow) so I’m guessing it doesn’t work in the Splinter.
I have the same mod! What settings are you using in TC?Brother got me a mod for Christmas! Weismec 2/3, pretty awesome! Can switch the backends to switch between 2 or 3 batteries depending on what's needed at the time. 3 batteries when going out for longer, 2 for around the house.
Already seeing improvements from my last mod. I had a hand me down mod from my bro and it was old, dropped, torn, beaten, and known to misfire.
The temp control on this newer mod seems more stable, more even abv and should be upgradeable. Only done 1 bowl but having a proper mod really turned this thing into a beast. Had a nice sesh halfway through the movie Oldboy. Damn that movie is F'd up but really amazing.
Super excited to test more with this mod. The display is sexy too!
I went into temp m1 and changed the resistance of whatever it's called, I think TCR, to 180. Then I used temp 370-390. 390 seemed a tad hotter than I wanted at the time so went back down to 370 or so.I have the same mod! What settings are you using in TC?
Brother got me a mod for Christmas! Weismec 2/3, pretty awesome! Can switch the backends to switch between 2 or 3 batteries depending on what's needed at the time. 3 batteries when going out for longer, 2 for around the house.
There’s an RBT-specific option that’s more compact, sold as the Milaana Cooling Mouthpiece by Vapefiend. Got mine in a week from Europe to California, it pairs perfectly w Splinter and Milaana, let’s me do crazy fast extraction at higher temps.This thread just made me imagine a long LSV wand with this little puppy. I miss that wand. Anyway, while it will look really funny, it would be great for home use.
when I try to download with 7 zip it say "cannot open file"It is available here
when I try to download with 7 zip it say "cannot open file"
Joyetech updater & TUBO logo
- includes windows and macosx applications to perform the update. (only compatible with the evic vtwo mini, updater available on for other models or use NFirmwareEditor)
^^ This downloads though but says it's only for Evic VTwo idk
Wow I got it, thanks guys.
The menu options are incredible. Holy shit this is going to be fucking fun.
FJ just messaged me too to help out, what a stand up guy keeping an eye on things. Thanks a ton man!!!
2 click cruise on baby. I'll get a video of the interface soon!!Setup cruise to a click no of prefernce and enjoy. RBT session vape
Can't edit, sorry guys for double post but had to update you all.
my "sorry I can't edit" was related to my previous post. That one wouldn't let me edit. It had timed out. That's odd ... I've never been able to edit anything over I think 8 hours? Maybe a tad longer or a tad shorter, but that seems to be about right for my cutoff.OT
Can’t you really edit or do not want to edit?
I am curious as it happens to read “sorry, to late to edit/can’t edit...” and I was having the impression there was a sort of timeout but recently I was able to edit some very old post (more than 24hrs), hence my question: is there an “edit timeout line” and how long does the edit window really stays open?
Can't edit, sorry guys for double post but had to update you all.
Finally figured out how to calibrate the coil tcr to match what seems to be a pretty accurate temp .... and holy fucking shit cruise mode is the bomb.
As a little reminder, my old mod was some hand me down old shit that was half broken and misfired with a 10 second cutoff.
New mod is a pretty recent mod compared to the old one with the FJ cruise mode update.
At first 390 glowed red hot but I made a few adjustments and all is well.
Set the temp to 360. Clicked my heels 2 times (actually the fire button) and waited 15 seconds or so before drawing. Didn't even realize I was getting vapor it was so smooth and I was vaping outside at night and couldn't see. Eventually I had to go in my car and exhale into the light to make sure, but nice clouds were there. Flavor amazing. Smoothness amazing.
It was a very little amount, probably .04 or so. Got a few hits on 360 and it went to a light yellow. Temp stepped by 10 degrees up to 400 eventually. Again I had to double check I was getting vapor because I'm used to the shitty rise and fall of my other mod, you really feel the heat on that one.
The temp control and constantly on unit makes the vapor production incredibly fucking consistent. Every hit is the exact same. With the Zion, even tho you can stay the same temp on the dial, preheat makes a difference, heat soaking, etc. With the splinter, the unit is just always the same.
I changed the auto shutoff to 3 minutes juuuuuust in case I forget or .. idk. Just in case of anything.
After 5 minutes or so of the unit never being turned off, both the mod and the Splinter were only mildly warm. Nothing at all that would ever concern me. My greatest concern before getting the cruise mode was that it would make my Splinter too hot and it's just completely not the case.
Abv came out very good. The consistent heating is a huge factor in my abv, considering my old mod would hotspot pretty hard down 1 side of the bowl. Not anymore .. now it's just great.
So so so fucking fun, such a joy just setting the temp and forgetting. Attach it to a bubbler or a whip and you basically have a home unit set and forget vape in the palm of your hand with instant heatup time. So excited. @funkyjunky you are the man. Thanks so much all the help!
First pic is in standby, second pic is when activating cruise mode.
The cruise bar shows how much of your pre-set time is used up. It shows you set temp (360) and the amount of power and current temp are constantly changing to keep the desired set temp. As you can see here the W is at 2.3 and temp is 367. Sometimes it'll jump to 14w or whatever it wants, temp will sometimes go as high as around 375, but the temperature always feels very consistent. It'll only flash to those higher temp for half a second so doesn't actually affect the current temp of the heater it seems...just helps keep it constant.
As you can see it also shows the percentage of battery life left. Currently charging it on a USB from my computer and it also shows the percentage going up with a little battery animation. Not sure how accurate the percentages are while draining but I'll know eventually when it dies on me..hopefully at 0%.
my "sorry I can't edit" was related to my previous post. That one wouldn't let me edit. It had timed out. That's odd ... I've never been able to edit anything over I think 8 hours? Maybe a tad longer or a tad shorter, but that seems to be about right for my cutoff.
I could edit this one thought because I only posted it like an hour ago![]()
I set it to .235 but the interface shows .251.What coil resistance u using?
No problem man!@AJS thanks for the vid and post in line for one of these!
Do you know by any chance of ddave reducer and 14mm stems would work? I microdose.
I have some reading to do, I don't know shit about these mods so I figure I can catch up and buy what I need before my number comes up.
2 click cruise on baby. I'll get a video of the interface soon!!
Here ya go guys! Vid cuts short but you get the gist!
Maybe technically if you want everything perfect ... but I don't think I'll use the two way more to where the batteries will wear down that much faster. If anything I can just rotate them. No way in hell im using 5 batteries. Actually technically I could use my Zion pair for the 2 and my old box mod triple for the 3. Probably won't tho. I'll just rotate em. I'm no expert at all but that makes sense to me.@AJS, using a 2/3 mod do you need to keep a separate "pair" for using 2 batteries AND grouping of 3 for use with 3 battery mode? maybe this question will help you need 5 batteries just for the ability to use that mod in both configurations?