The Sandbox: Make test posts here


Putin is a War Criminal
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Putin is a War Criminal
Your own image would have also worked, by the way. As long as you used the BBCode instead of HTML.
Without the asterisks it is this...


Putin is a War Criminal
OK, well this really sucks. is the next free hoster to give up and close. At least they gave some warning.

Unfortunately you can't change posts after 6 hours so you can't even rehost your previous pics and change the pointer to them on the FC page. They will just disappear when the site closes.

Its too bad we can't actually host the pics on FC like some other groups do.


Putin is a War Criminal
So, you can get a "direct link" in media fire that you can drop in the image box on a compose window, so can be used to host images here...

Hit the "share" link and then choose "more sharing options". Grab the "direct link".

You could also add image tags [i mg]direct link[/i mg] (without the spaces) and surround the direct link to do it manually and skip the image box.
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DJ Colonel Corn

The Vapor Ninja
Its too bad we can't actually host the pics on FC like some other groups do.

If you would be willing to pay a membership fee in order to pay for FC image hosting.....
Why not pay for your own domain, with it's own FTP account, and host the images yourself ?

Of course, when I die, and stop paying the bills, my images would disappear, but.....
All of my images have/will disappear/disappeared anyway, because at first it was imgur, then tinypic, now we're using Mediafire, img bb, postimage ......

I feel confident in my own ability to pay the bill far more than I do in others, after what I've seen go down. can be used to host images here...

That's good to know, I just got a MediaFire account with 10GB free storage.
However, how long will they stay in business ?
DJ Colonel Corn,


Putin is a War Criminal
Not much of a fan of having strangers or the man following my images back to my FTP account. Same with my dropbox.

DJ Colonel Corn

The Vapor Ninja
Not much of a fan of having strangers or the man following my images back to my FTP account. Same with my dropbox.

I solved this by creating an index in the folder that leads away from the folder, thus hiding the contents.

As far as anonymity is concerned, well........ dunno...I mean, the other option is to.. depend on image hosting that gets your IP and machine fingerprint anyway ?
DJ Colonel Corn,

DJ Colonel Corn

The Vapor Ninja
Attempting image from Digital Ocean Space...


omg it works this is great news
this means even if my ftp is shut down (which I occasionally have to do for maintenance (shut down droplet)), the images will still be up !

Ah this is much better than using FTP also because it gives me a preview of the image.
With 250GB storage for $5 a month. Click here to check it out.

The image, by the way, is of the Divine Tribe V4 Quartz Crucible.
Awesome !

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DJ Colonel Corn,

DJ Colonel Corn

The Vapor Ninja
... wasn't FC Forum a secure site previously (https) ?

Just noticed it's not, and seems kind of odd. Seems like it was secure before, but I'm not sure.

Anyone know what's up with that, or can you direct me to the right thread to ask about this ?
DJ Colonel Corn,
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