So the Runt is home! And the mini bubbler too.
First thing to notice, the Runt is taller and a little larger than the Junior (by the names i expected the Runt to be the smallest one).
The mini bubbler fits in both as advertised, i use it mainly with the Junior. It really smoothes further the vape, so i'd recommend to use it with strong strains (when you are used to the heavy hitter the Junior is, that little bubbler really tames it and you don't recognise your sometimes harsh little Junior)
The big improvement regards the long mouthpiece, with both it really eases the process (especially if you are a farsighted person):
The taste is really smoother and you can really see what you are doing, with the vapour coming up the tube.
One thing i noticed with the restrictor disc is that beyond its efficiency (you can't burn the herb, or you really have to do it intentionally) you now feel the heat from the carb hole and that regulates your draw and distance of the lighter.
Aesthetically i love the fractal burn on that Black Limba wood, it reminds me of some cherry paintings by Van Gogh and some Japanese artists
You can see that the burn mark really runs deep sometimes (and i wonder if in the long run it won't damage the piece) but it's really a stunning piece and most of the time you would say it is skilfully penciled on the wood
SneakyPete (if i recall well) talked about some issue that may occur with OCD people as the Runt isn't as square and blocky as the Junior.
The Runt is a little bit more wobbly but when you have it in hand it is perfectly fine (even if as you can see on the last pic it can sometimes not be perfectly even but you just put your thumb on it and voilà! )
and the new opening system allows you to check your bowl in a wink, so in the end it's a great innovation.
Thank you again StickyBrickLabs for your comprehension (it was a pleasure talking to you on Instagram

) and those great devices!