Yeah... the policy is no links to pieces that have fake labels on them. I get it, but most of the pieces that have them aren't even knock offs of any those manufacturers produce. All good and a fair rule, though.
Great vids of both. But again, I'm never looking to put my vapor through that much water or those many bubbles. It knocks taste way back for me. Might not for you, though. Maybe it's just my old tastebuds.

For the same reason, you'll never see me using an ashcatcher (unless it's on a J-hook) and definitely not using a UFO or anything else as an "intermediary" bubbler. Too funny! I strive to make my vapor as smooth as possible right from the end of the vaporizor, so not looking to smooth it any further if it is going to cost me much flavor. As little as it is, the UFO and other simpler percs take more flavor than I'd like anyway. But, a worthwhile trade-off for the benefits of bubbling - for me at least.
I use a bubbler for 3 reasons - 1) To cool. 2) To add moisture. 3) To some extant as a way to gather a full hit of the density I want, be able to see it, and inhale it in one easy draw. But, that's just me and what I like. No reason you or anyone else shouldn't have intermediary bubblers serially hooked up all the way around the room if you like.
I kind of get what you're saying about the UFO mouthpiece, but it doesn't really bother me like that. And, is greatly outweighed by the fact you can turn it any way you like. You can easily pick up one with damned near any size or style you like as long as it is 18mm male on the other end. Can't really do that with a fixed MP. I prefer a wide angled funnel type myself (where your lips go inside the flattish funnel), but all good with most. Thinking about having one made for the UFO like this, but will probably cost more than the bubb!
Back to Milaana..... another cool thing is that you can use a removable mouthpiece dry in your Mi as long as the joint is the right size.
Different strokes for different folks and all that. Enjoy whatever you like, but the most diffusion you're likely to see me using with vapor is my D-Cycler - and usually keep it in reserve for dabs. Especially given that the Mi allows for such complete temp control once you get the hang of it. With a little practice on the button and draw speed, I've found you can make it do nearly any type of vapor you're trying to pull without even having to be concerned about set up too much.