My milaana is here in the UK too, and I've just put my first proper bowl through it this minute
As reported my many other folk, this thing is just FANTASTIC!
I was (very) slightly concerned about the manual nature of the Milaana, but Stickshift (as my unit shall henceforth be known) suits me just fine, down to the ground in fact.
The ramp-up when heating is very easy to regulate with the button.
In fact it seems as though it's going to be so easy that I no longer even have any worries re' operating the vape while TFT (totally f***king toasted), which I'm well on the way to being BTW.
To compare it to something which many people might have some familiarity with (box mod), it's a little like RBT has already identified the perfect wattage/voltage, and fine control is available to us through feathering the button.
Gross control (i.e. either end of the temp' spectrum) is still available too, as I started my first hit at a nice low temp, and managed to deliberately end up at the other end of the range 6 hits later without combusting.
Single bowl, short stem, dome screen, 80 per-cent fill, medium grind, no tamp, 6 hit, full extraction (as far as I can tell, I don't own a 'better' device to attempt further vaping of my ABV!)
Clouds and flavor are both excellent compared to my Inhalater05 (
way better), and the open air path is a huge leap forward.
The 'on demand' nature of the device is VERY satisfying too, grip it and rip it sums it up nicely.
I'm delighted with my purchase, and even though I've run only a single bowl I'm confident that I'll remain so.
If things turn out otherwise I'll be back here to admit my error, rest assured.
Negatives at the price I paid are non-existent, even though there are imperfections.
Had I paid full retail I would be suggesting some changes, but I get the impression that these may be in hand anyway (and I wouldn't call them complaints as such, I'd still be happy with this exact unit at full retail).
The 'cons' as I see them are:
General fit and finish, I'd happily pay more for some small cosmetic refinement, but the hand-made feel is really quite appealing anyway, and the overall design is very pleasing.
I like the system, the screens, and the wide open air-flow, but my long stem doesn't fit (it rests on the heater screen, and I daren't push down to try to make a seal.
My short screen fits, but the tip where it was cut is a little shonky (no biggie, it's smooth, no sharps), and the bowl/male joint has some very small cracks visible (difficult to photograph with my cell)
My female joint doesn't sit quite flat on the body of the unit and has a VERY slight 'leaning tower of pisa' effect with both stems.
I had to look fairly closely with my OCD eye to see these imperfections and again, I find these 'cons' quite acceptable at the price I paid, and only really report them so retail purchasers of the future can compare.
My wooden body is good, finish can easily be improved, but doesn't have to be if you're a 'no finish purist'.
Fit of the base is regular and even, with no glue visible, and no offset.
I'm TFT now, and this has taken some time to compose

, and I've started my second bowl
I keep saving up for the Zion but blowing my wad elsewhere

Now though, I'm thinking that I hope I've saved enough for the exotic wood retail MI when/if that emerges.
I'm gonna contact RBT re' the long stem and try to get one to fit so that I can flirt with combustion in comfort, wish me luck!
[ re-commences second bowl]
and flavor! this rocks