Discontinued The RBT Milaana (unregulated single 18650)

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little maggie

Well-Known Member
I love my Milaana and having tried it am looking forward to the zion. As for RBT, he's created a great product and he's not a very pleasant person based on his treatment of people. Do I not buy his product because I don't like his behavior? I wouldn't even know about that if I didn't post here. I'd just know I love the product.
I think Ed said it best- what goes around comes around. If he doesn't improve his business practices things may not work out for him in spite of the M and Z. Maybe we need a RBT complaint thread because I'm ready to return to talking about the Milaana.

Speaking of which I broke my long stem. What would be a good replacement?


Well-Known Member
I personally think the best outcome for the customer and the longevity of the products availability would be for RBT to sell the tech to a more equipt company and move on, short of that 3rd party retailing will be a step in the right direction but I can see retailers simply not dealing with him, or consumers having to pay additional mark up simply due to the added cost of doing bussiness/pulling teeth. Either way, that won't come until the pre order disaster is long behind us, but I'm a bit skeptical! If replying to mails is months in the making, how long will new buttons take?
If it drags on much longer the company reputation may already be too tarnished to repair.


Well-Known Member
@MrPeanut good luck in your medical endeavors, & I agree this thread is filled with too much bias and speculation. Lot of muck you have to sift through. Rest of the forum isn't like this, I'd implore you to check it out.

Bias usually does come from experience though. You went ice fishing with him? You're biased he's a good guy.

You bought a vape with no hassle? You're biased he's a good guy.

He tells you to fuck off? You're biased he's a bad guy.

He seeks you out for wood or other things, and then spurns you? You're biased he's a bad guy.

Move the fuck on? I can see how you'd get the impression we're beating a dead horse, yet people are simply saying, "oh yeah, same crappy experience over here" Should we not empathize with them since we've had similar experiences or are our experiences just not worth posting about? I like letting them know they aren't alone :) and to my credit I'm not doing it here on this site. No one wants to see the gripes in this thread......would kill the "vibe" and would be "getting off track."

There are going to be users like you who think he runs a stellar company and is a stellar person, and there are going to be users like me who think the opposite. Neither is worth more than the other, but saying a group should move on........well that actually makes it seem like the negative opinions are worth more, since the positive ones are actively trying to shush them and move them along. (And there is actually a trend of this in the thread..a negative opinion is glossed over or outright ignored..I agree with Pak though that the mod's have been very lenient and let both sides air their grievances... but a negative experience/opinion doesn't seem to carry much weight.....)

(An example literally popped up as I wrote this.........I bought a Mighty from S&B. I bought a VapCap from Dynavap. I bought my Underdogs from Dave and Amanda. These aren't just "Zion & Milaana" they are "Zion & Milaana by RBT" who makes them and the company behind them mean just as much as the product being put out.....his abysmal sales prove that point)

That reddit thread was pretty refreshing @srama21 it was nice having people in the industry also express their frustrations without having to sugarcoat it. Seeing as how Ed was in the process of doing business with him, well it kind of validates what many of us have been saying in that the company runs like a circus. ..correct me if I'm wrong, but he would be the only one who has actually attempted working with him on the business side of things so far right (that interacts with us)?? So they would be infinitely more knowledgeable on how the company is run than any Z Team or Beta members..their opinion holds much more stock...the only way Zteam/Beta would be more knowledgeable on the business side is if they were in business with RBT (not saying they are, but I am saying Eds opinion is worth more based on both parties circumstances)...... I found it interesting that Randy already had to start taking breathers and walking away before even getting things set up..........that sounds like the start of a profitable and stress free relationship :lol: hope he takes the advice given.

Truly good luck in your medical journey and a speedy recovery.

I don't understand why you keep making these long posts, both here and on reddit. You've said you'd never get this vape, so just "unwatch" the thread. Why are you still so invested? Seems like you're spending a lot of your time getting stressed out about a vaporizer. Just my 2 cents, but remember... All this time you spent ranting about RBT... You'll never get any of it back.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I don't understand why you keep making these long posts, both here and on reddit. You've said you'd never get this vape, so just "unwatch" the thread. Why are you still so invested? Seems like you're spending a lot of your time getting stressed out about a vaporizer. Just my 2 cents, but remember... All this time you spent ranting about RBT... You'll never get any of it back.

Please don't challenge other members for making posts. If someone breaks the rules, report it and do not respond. If you must reply, use a PM. If the rules aren't broken then just ignore the post and move on. I feel silly saying this, but this is how flames get started.


Well-Known Member
Please don't challenge other members for making posts. If someone breaks the rules, report it and do not respond. If you must reply, use a PM. If the rules aren't broken then just ignore the post and move on. I feel silly saying this, but this is how flames get started.

Sorry, I'm pretty new to this forum, wasn't familiar with that particular rule. You can feel free to delete that post (and this one as well).


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Sorry, I'm pretty new to this forum, wasn't familiar with that particular rule. You can feel free to delete that post (and this one as well).

It's not a rule, it's advice on how to avoid breaking the rules. It's never a good idea to comment on someone's posting style unless paying a compliment. It's up to the moderators to move or delete off topic or rule-breaking posts, so report them and don't try to do it yourself. The reason is that even good intentions can upset someone, leading to an inflammatory response.


Calm Consistency
I love my Milaana and having tried it am looking forward to the zion. As for RBT, he's created a great product and he's not a very pleasant person based on his treatment of people. Do I not buy his product because I don't like his behavior? I wouldn't even know about that if I didn't post here. I'd just know I love the product.
I think Ed said it best- what goes around comes around. If he doesn't improve his business practices things may not work out for him in spite of the M and Z. Maybe we need a RBT complaint thread because I'm ready to return to talking about the Milaana.

Speaking of which I broke my long stem. What would be a good replacement?

Glad you're liking your Milaana and I'm hoping your Zion will be coming soon so you can give some good comparisons for us! You're a trooper!

Seeing how it's difficult to find glass that is the exact size for the Milaana female, I recommend either purchasing a new stem and using the small one for the time being, or rigging a longer stem to the short one. Maybe throw some silicone over the small one and make a whip, could be fun having a portable whip vape!


Well-Known Member
Actually that's a question I've been meaning to ask, are there any generic stems that will work in the Milaana or Zion or does one have to buy them from RBT? It doesn't seem like he's having custom stems blown but I don't really know.


Calm Consistency
Actually that's a question I've been meaning to ask, are there any generic stems that will work in the Milaana or Zion or does one have to buy them from RBT? It doesn't seem like he's having custom stems blown but I don't really know.
You need US 18mm, whereas almost everything is ISO 18mm. Won't make a seal. Difficult to find a perfect seal, unless made by OGB, so most just go through RBT


Calm Consistency
Got the ups info milaana arrived.

So I go to pick it up...no box.

Fucking ups driver left it under the neighbors doormat!!!

I promptly went and stole my shit back!

...it begins. Haven't even opened the box yet!!!
Very interested in your particular thoughts on this unit. I'll be tuning in.

And good job stealing that shit back! They don't deserve the Milaana!!


Well-Known Member
Guess I'll just settle for the Venus Apollo.


Sorry, (in Soup Nazi voice) "No summary for you!"

Wall Of Text Version

Not to detract from the Milaana ......which I am eagerly awaiting and hope will live up to all the overwhelmingly positive user reports.

But @Kanyayweest you will certainly not be "settling" if you choose to purchase a Venus Apollo.

It is an amazing vape that fits in niche that is different from RBT's vapes.

When Ville goes on holiday though.....he does it right and it might be a little harder to reach him. Those Finnish sure know how to enjoy their summer holidays!

But under normal circumstances he is easy to reach, and is very open and approachable and will appreciate your feedback and get back to you and engage in a real dialogue.

I am sure that you will enjoy your interactions with him.

I am sorry to see you go. You have provided quite a bit of great user feedback and your enthusiasm for the performance of RBT's vapes seems to be borne out by the feedback of those who own one. You are also a good friend, which means that although you have been very objective in your usage reports, you are also going to want to defend personal attacks on your friend.....even though on the other hand you might understand some people's frustrations to some extent because more than anyone else - you know your friend's weaknesses - as well as his strengths.

There is nothing wrong with defending your friends. Those are the kinds of friends that I want in my life.

When I first arrived on the Zion thread, I only stopped in and read a few posts before leaving since I thought it was still in development.....and didn't realize what the whole pre-order scene was all about since I was also new to posting on FC.

I had been "lurking" ....but not really following FC. By lurking, I mean using FC as an internet information resource for the vapes that I had .....or were interested in at the time....like the Mighty. It was only by chance that I read about log vapes and got curious about them thinking to myself, "What the hell is a log vape?"

I wasn't really using FC to explore other options......which I soon realized that this was just cheating myself of the information becoming a more knowledgeable vaporist and maximizing my experiences.

Since then I have come across the Underdog, the Venus Apollo and the Supreme as examples of some very high performing vapes that you just won't see for sale in the mainstream B&M or online stores.

When I returned to the Zion thread a little later and realized that wow, here is a device that has gotten extremely high praise from the same people that who has provided great advice on other threads....that I realized that I wanted one.

I then tried to purchase one from the RBT store when it was still available for International sale & with the lifetime warranty still advertised on the webpage - just before the "blackout" period last fall.

I actually had it in my cart and shipping was all calculated and all I had to do was click a button and my PayPal would have went through with a payment. But then I saw the note requesting those looking for an international shipment to send in their information via a form....which I did.....and waited.

.....and waited......and waited.

Then I tried to contact RBT through PM on FC.....

.....nada, nothing - no response, so I posted in the thread hoping that RBT might be monitoring and then check his PM's as well as the inquiry made to his website.

Nope......same deal. Then other FC member's who had seen my posts then PM'd me with RBT's PayPal email address so that I could contact him directly to explain the situation ......and I had intended to.

But then my computer crashed and I spent almost 2 mos getting it back, recovering data, dismantling the laptop and learning how to install/repair things from internet and YouTube tutorials.

By the time I returned to FC - the Zion was no longer even available for sale in the store.....and then when it came back in the New Year it was at an even higher price.

A price that I was unwilling to pay for a vape that wasn't on the market - and although I had high hopes for based on the opinions of others didn't really think could be really that much better than the Underdog and Mighty.

The Underdog was incredible! .....and the Mighty was almost as good ....but portable.

I resolved that I wouldn't ever buy a vape from someone who had disrespected me by not ever replying to my respectful inquiries.

But then the Milaana came along and I fell in love with the form factor and thought - wait a minute, this might even be a better fit for me than the Zion

So I pulled the trigger.

Then I was on RBT's Twitter page later and saw his comment asking if anyone wanted to take some 14mm glass off his hands....cheap.

Since I have an Underdog that uses 14mm glass as a gong - I thought hey great, I'll try to contact him about this and see if he still has it kicking around....or whether someone else contacted him with an offer to purchase it from him.

At first Ryan thought that I was looking for extra glass mouthpieces for my Milaana and offered me a 5-pack special for $40 (3 short, 2 long) which was a good deal over purchasing them all separately.

When I explained what I had meant - he got a kick out of the misunderstanding and offered to just throw in the extra 14mm glass that he had on hand for no charge. ....which was something that I was willing to pay for and which was what my whole intent on contacting him was all about.

I am sure that he never even connected me to my prior international shipping inquiry, and followup PM's and postings on FC.

But then I also realized that some extra 18mm stems would come in very handy....but just hadn't thought to purchase them when paying for my Milaana - simply because I had no idea what the Milaana would come with.....so I made that purchase too.

Then another purchase of the 6-screen pack.

I would have bought a Zion at the original price .....and if I had not seen the International query request and went through with my payment - I am sure that Ryan would have honoured the purchase. After I get my Milaana, perhaps that will want to make me want the Zion even more?

Perhaps......we'll see - but I really don't see myself buying one at the PlanetVape price ....which is reasonable for what you are getting compared to other vapes out there like the Mighty.....and FF.

I have also spoken to Robert from PV many times on the phone and he is a really nice guy that has always been happy to sit and chat about vapes with me. I hope that he does very well carrying RBT vapes and believe that he can provide excellent customer service for these products.

I have also supported his business with some other purchases and have even been down to the warehouse to pickup an order.

I would have liked to have met him.....but he wasn't in at the time. I even brought my Apollo down with me to demo it. I think it was Ed and Michael that I was speaking to at the service desk .....and both of them seemed very impressed with the looks and operation of the Apollo.

So will my free 14mm glass come with my order?

I hope so ......but if it doesn't - I don't believe that there would be any malice or deception involved - just something that slipped between the cracks.

.....and after all, I won't have actually paid for it - so the most that would happen is that I would be disappointed that it got overlooked and then contact RBT to see if he could send another package and that I would be willing to pay for shipping it of course.....and even pay $ for the glass as well since he would have to perform some additional work - rather than just tossing it into a package that was right in front of him anyways.

So while I can't speak for other people's experiences......I can tell you that while I was not happy to not be responded to initially.....when I did communicate with Ryan - he was a really nice dude in his interactions with me.

I can also empathize that his life is going through some major changes that doesn't leave him with a lot of time to do both CS and build a viable business to help support himself financially.

He has also has contacted me afterward (after some waiting) to reassure me on my order - as I was trying to get a friend in on a Milaana purchase at the time that I was intending to add to my order and have shipped at the same time as my order. But money was tight for my buddy at the time due to personal reasons and a nightmare ex.

I can understand why people who haven't been able to communicate with him are frustrated .....but if, or when, you do communicate with him - I have no doubt that if you communicate with him respectfully .....that you will get that back.

I don't know what happened in Ed's case......that is definitely too bad and I was sorry to hear of it.....but since I don't know the communications that took place I can't cast judgement.

But I do understand those who are offended on Ed's behalf ......especially those who have had really great interactions with Ed and have past experience to support their respect for the man.

In any case, if there are any International Pre-Orders for the Zion that purchased at the $200 price with lifetime warranty that are unwilling to wait a few more months and are thinking of asking for a refund......then please PM me.

I would most likely be happy to purchase it from you ...... if RBT would be agreeable to this change and not mind switching the shipping destination.
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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Now it may not be pretty, but an easy and effective workaround for an RBT Tech stem can be improvised using a 18.8mm U.S m2m adapter, paired with a combustion style bong's drop pipe - if you happen to have one still rolling around from your firey daze of old . . . . I do . . . .


Et voilà!

Well?! I said it ain't pretty.

It will be the same button because there is no other button that can handle the current needed for an unregulated 18650.
That may of been the case a few years ago but now there are dozens (if not more..) of options being utilized in unregulated box mods and box mod kits... Some handling 3-4 18650's in sequence completely unregulated. Pipes has also made a number of unregulated mods utilizing all sorts of buttons in the DIY section for years.

Got the ups info milaana arrived.

So I go to pick it up...no box.

Fucking ups driver left it under the neighbors doormat!!!

I promptly went and stole my shit back!

...it begins. Haven't even opened the box yet!!!

Excellent, hope a goes well! I know you just got the project to tinker with too, big way to kick off your extended weekend! Excited to see your thoughts.


Chronic vapaholic
Also, I really can't explain it, but this vape gets me phenomenally medicated.

Exactly! That's why I've been saying from the very start that Ashton is almost too strong for me and why I prefer to use it on the evening, before going to bed where I can enjoy the rollercoaster ride.

a negative opinion is glossed over or outright ignored

All reported problems about the two devices themselves are forwarded and taken into account. All negative comments about how people think RBT should run his business are deliberately ignored by us all for multiple reasons, indeed. The first would be that he's not reading them and we are not forwarding anything to him, we are not working for him. The second being that everytime we did answer, we were accused of being biased cheerleaders or worse, and it's displeasant and offending to say the least. Then the third is that moderators explicitely told us to not feed the trolls nor pour more oil on the fire, everytime we did it only stirred the shit and made the situation worse.


Recovering Idealist
I have a question in anticipation of the international Milaanas hopefully being shipped this week. I got a couple of 18650s to be ready for when my Milaana comes. I want to have at least one charged battery ready. I have read that you are supposed to do a full charge with each battery before using it. If I do that, is it ok to store it unused at full charge until the Mi gets here?


Well-Known Member
Well I got mine yesterday afternoon and spent the evening, ah, testing.

Fit and finish definitely have that homemade feel, a little sloppy (glue overruns around the glass and the bottom piece is ever so slightly out of perfect alignment) but hey, it works...Have to be a bit careful handling it cuz the stem can fall out pretty easily depending on how I hold it.

At first I thought it was a bit harsh with the short stem but I haven't tried the longer stem yet. I'm a pretty low temp kinda girl. After a few unremarkable small bowls, I loaded more quantity and that seemed to make a huge difference. The 2nd hit was possibly the best, most flavorful I have experienced on ANY of my vapes! Now I see what some have been raving about. Gonna keep trying to get hits like that one more consistently.

I tried to move the stem screen closer to the heater but the damn thing won't budge. It's in there so tight and I was afraid I'd break the glass pushing so hard on the screen. May have to use a spacer for smaller loads?

I am getting a hot spot in the center every time and definitely less than a full extraction. ABV was very light green-brown, and this was on a fresh battery. Put it in my Nano at 6.5 and it cranked out at least 10 more huge hits before it was depleted and time for bed.

So, definitely more experimenting needed with all the variables. Learning curve is no big deal. No combustion. When I feel appropriate heat I let off the button and draw. With this kind of power I think I need to adjust my draw and take smaller hits.
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Little-Known Member
I can't see putting so much weed in this that I need to stir. That's the reason I bought the Mi, NOT to stir. If you like stirring, buy an ESV.
I usually try to load minimal amounts, but still find it difficult to get the complete, even browning that I aim for. It's similar to the way my Nano struggled to fully extract the tiniest bowls, but the Firewood achieves it pretty consistently. I'd love to replicate that with Milaana.

My guess is that reducing the bowl diameter, focusing the hot air through a smaller cross-sectional area of bud like the FW and steel log stems do, would help. I actually tried a FW capsule inside the 18mm joint, and it sort of worked! Will have to try it again tonight upside-down (or double-screened) to keep herb from flying up against the stem's dome screen and out around its more recessed edges. I also thought about trying to find or make some sort of cylindrical steel insert...

Don't get me wrong though, one or two stirs per bowl with the stock stem are not a big deal... it's totally worth it for M's superb vapor and profound effects :ko: apparently I'm just trying to turn it from a cordless Nano into a cordless PD!


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Well I got mine yesterday afternoon and spent the evening, ah, testing.

At first I thought it was a bit harsh but I haven't tried the longer stem yet. I'm a pretty low temp kinda girl. After a few unremarkable small bowls, I loaded more quantity and that seemed to make a huge difference. The 2nd hit was possibly the best, most flavorful I have experienced on ANY of my vapes! Now I see what some have been raving about.

I tried to move the stem screen closer to the heater but the damn thing won't budge. It's in there so tight and I was afraid I'd break the glass pushing so hard on the screen. May have to use a spacer for smaller loads? I am getting a hot spot in the center every time and definitely less than a full extraction. ABV was very light green-brown, and this was on a fresh battery. Put it in my Nano at 6.5 and it cranked out at least 10 more huge hits before it was depleted and time for bed.

So, definitely more experimenting needed with all the variables. Learning curve is no big deal. When I feel appropriate heat I let off the button and draw. With this kind of power I think I need to adjust my draw and take smaller hits

Use a pencil or similar to force the screen to the position that you like. You aren't likely to break the stem, but I'd hold it with a glove or a towel wrapped around it it just in case.

It sounds to me like both you and @friedrich might be drawing too hard. Try slowing it down and see if things improve. Slow and steady gets me the best results.


Well-Known Member
I love this thread .. best on fc .. and i cancelled my milaana months ago. Wheres the popcorn?

Here you go!



Short term storage of charged batteries are not going to be an issue. I stick fully charged batteries in all my high powered lights and don't worry that I will need to use them every few days for best battery life .....not an issue. It is more the long term intentional storage of lithium batteries over months where they should be half drained for best storage for the batteries health.


Little-Known Member
It sounds to me like both you and @friedrich might be drawing too hard. Try slowing it down and see if things improve. Slow and steady gets me the best results.
That's true; I keep having to remind myself to draw slower, and I get much better results.

It is a little disappointing in that respect though, since testers were always touting the wide-open airflow. I thought that meant we'd be able to use it, but I find it just demands more breath control. Another way a narrower bowl might help?? for my particular style and habits, anyway


well-worn member
Seeing as how Ed was in the process of doing business with him, well it kind of validates what many of us have been saying in that the company runs like a circus. ..correct me if I'm wrong, but he would be the only one who has actually attempted working with him on the business side of things so far right (that interacts with us)??

So ed sent rbt samples of his work, will rbt will have his "factory" crank 'em out instead? :mad:

And now randy/puffitup is out too? :(
Are there any retailers in the united states that rbt hasn't alienated, or are these products going to be exclusively distributed out of canada? Nothing against canada, but that would be a big handicap :2c:

Maybe rbt isn't always easy to deal with. But he has been reportedly quite helpful on occasion :tup:

All I can say is expecting perfect interactions with him may not be the way to go, considering the image rbt has cultivated for himself. I'm not judging, but even in the early 'nothing but love for rbt days', he seemed to relish being a self-professed "zionist", (soup) nazi, and a cult (of personality) leader ;):lol:
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But I like it!
@freidrich - you just need to draw slowly to start. Once the heater catches up, and it will, the harder you draw the closer you get to combustion. When you are heat-soaked, just keep pressing the button and horsing on that shotgun barrel of a stem... thats the map to Smoulder City, population you...
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