You are correct, however my ESV operates at a peak level of performance. It easily can keep up with my Daisy. The FW3 is not a basic vape and should be compared more with the Zion and USB imho. The problem with the FW3 is it does require more technique. Zion tech has been built around the first time user in mind so no technique is really required. I think this is the bigger diference between the two and performance is probably not as big a difference I bet.
The only person to have Zion tech and a FW3 currently is
@Mulehead so he is the only one that truly can compare.
I like em both!
I like all my vapes.
I'll start by saying RBT's heater technology is revolutionary.
I'm looking forward to Milaana!?! I preferred Ion.
Can't wait to try this heater unregulated!!
I predict TOD to be my favorite!
The FW3 is one of my biggest hitters.
It is pretty restrictive.
More of a session style device because it just keeps hitting.
Works well as a one hit, and finish later too.
It's easy to pocket.
The capsule system is easier on the go if you have spares to prepack.
My experience with fw3 is different than
I don't find vapor to be harsh at all, but more concentrated.
For me this concentrated flavor = better flavor, more is better for me.
The vapor feedback is critical for me to get consistent results, so I use it dry.
With this feedback you can ramp up your draw to match the heater heating up.
You can and will overpower its heater until this feedback is read.
The lack of easy to swap batteries is a bummer, but they are user replaceable.
It's a great final vape, it extracts all there is to offer, and a little goes a long way!
Anyone waiting on preordered instant convection devices, I highly recommend fw3.
I feel it's a great training aid to figure out convection vaporizers because of its lower wattage heater.
Also keep in mind I've only had a Zion for two days, and fw for about 3 months.
I'm one that believes practice makes perfect with vapes.
The Zion is one of my biggest hitters as well.
It's so simple to use.
@little maggie there is no learning curve with this one! I'm anxious for you and
@Madcap79 to get yours back.
It seems wide open after using fw for awhile.
Both can be restrictive when overpacked, like any convection device.
I find myself ramping up my draw to match the heater temp I desire.
The difference here is I haven't overwhelmed Zion's heater.
WT's take Zion to a different level.
I have a feeling the evo crowd will love this thing!
Flavor is great in both, because production is great in both.
They both, like the rest of my line up have something different to offer.
The bowls/charge 3-4 FW3
7-? Zion, I always lose track, honeymoon and all.
Anything else you want me to hit on, just ask.
So did
@MrPeanut ever post pics of his USB, or is he still being a big tease?
@MrPeanut why the air inlet change?
Will change compare to Zion's resistance?