Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Glad to see all these happy users, truthfully glad ya'll enjoying it.....from the info I gathered I wouldn't leave the milanna or Zion on a water pipe unsupported....just think you are risking breaking the glass in unit but I could be totally wrong on that, I tend to always have a hand on anything when I invert it on glass just to keep it steady
Very much looking forward to the further reviews and I will be very much interested in seeing all the new users experiences in a month and how it fits into their respective rotations. Glad to see people are having fun with it
To anyone having issues, I don't have a milanna but if you inhale faster it cools the heater faster.... Just principle. I reckon you could probably rip the button and rip it with good results, if you don't overpack
Yes good point! I believe it was just for the photo op, that's the only time I've done it with mine too. Milaana can stand it better because more lightweight, but yes technically it is a risk to voiding the warranty if the heater screen is used to support the vape on a water tool like that (I'm sure it could still be repaired easily though, if even for a fee, we'll see). Bottom line yes it is not recommended

Also per your last idea, that is true, but it also rises in temp so if you keep holding the button even drawing quick it will get too hot, hence best to let off the button and keep drawing the residual heat off the massive heater to finish the hit. That method also works well in FF, T1, and others. The other thing to remember is the first seconds will be lower temp since it is rising, hence why I often start slow for a few seconds, then speed up my draw for the next few seconds (unless I want a lighter hit), then let go the trigger and keep drawing to finish.