Not yet. I am waiting for 420EDC to get the Walnut version on stock again. It‘s sold out everywhere as it seems. Furthermore, 420EDC does not let me choose any other destination than the USA, even if I check the "international shipment" box at checkout. Have contacted them via eMail to find out whether it's just me or their site.
I have read through the last 100 pages of this thread and can already imagine that this Vape, together with my Vapcaps, might end my VAS for quite some time. I would use the Milaana mostly at home and it seems that it has all, that I have ever been looking for with battery driven vapes:
Pure convection,
Heat on demand (or nearly, 5secs. is near instant to me),
Glass... Glass everywhere,
Replaceable batteries,
Minimal electronics.
Seems to be the tailor-made gear for me and my expectations. I don‘t care for vaping at some exact temperature. I want to play with the heat. I want to tame the beast. I think I am in love already.

I have found the perfect butane vape for my needs and really hope that the Milaana is the answer to my battery driven dreams. I would feel quite complete then.
Another question to the owners: I don‘t like coughing. Will I be able to avoid it with the Milaana after some learning curve? Or does it always hit so hard that it‘s unavoidable? I saw some serious coughing in the handful youtube reviews that are around, especially with the shorter stem.