Awesome although I haven't been able to get those results.
As for the battery fitment issue, are these units tested before they leave home or is this a case of the wood swelling/settling? Pardon the MI newbie question.
Practice makes perfect! I have had mine for ages

and made a concerted effort to keep trying different combos of all the variables to see what works best. Which I still do regularly... but that is another story just keep practicing and every time you pack a stem think to your self what am I going to try different this time? Pack, button time, draw speed?
The last I think is the biggest factor, learning to draw slow enough but high enough volume... Sounds like a contradiction but you will get there.
Practice with changing draw speed during a hit slow right down feel the heat then ramp speed up again (don't do it like a switch go in increments) to about 2/3's power then let go the button and keep the same speed but try and widen your throat moving more air and clear the camber.
Should get you a good hit!
As far as the bat not fitting, first I've heard of it. Are you sure you didnt squash the terminal trying to get the battery in far enough? Sorry to ask.
I would have thought the drill used to make the hole for the battery would be standard across all Milaana?