This was sticking out in my mind after my morning read/thread catch up...
RBT= Ritual Based Technology.
I think it sums things up well.
My favourite so far

It's pretty different to most of the others we've been proposing, and it ignores and avoids naming the qualities most of us have been scrabbling to convey.
But it fits somehow don't it?
And it manages a little mystery too, rather than baldly blurting the qualities that we would like people to ascribe to the company and it's products, it suggests a mashup of two disparate, but appealing qualities, and leaves something to the imagination.
Mashing up ritual and technology has a somewhat steampunk feel to it too yeah?
Steampunk (in exremis) is a passing fad which is clever, but doomed to be a fashion victim (no wait! bear with me!).
Like the best of passing fads though, it will leave behind a flavour of it's highest achievements on the face of popular cutlure.
Stylistically, the Milaana and Zion really make the best of their steampunk ancestry without descending to spraypainting gramp's welding goggles gold and calling them 'ocubators' or some shit (god I hate that crap

), the Milaana is particularly good looking IMO, and one of my two favourite looking vapes (Zion is tasty too though!)
"Ritual Based Technology" similarly levers the best aspects of 'olde' stuff like medicine bones and voodoo drums, to get right under technology and show us the brass pistons driving the train onward!
What a load of flowery old shit eh?
"Ritual Based Technology"
Yeah dude, the 21st century peace pipe
I think as simple as possible on the logo is good, but also keep it as original as possible. What you have is pretty damn good and we all know it when we see it and most of us here have gained a lot of respect for what we know to be behind your simple avatar logo. My 2 cents is keep it the way you have it.
For your company slogan I think you need to identify with the most important values of your products. There are four prominent values in your vaporizers that I feel stand out above the rest of their values. #1- Simple. You kept it simple with the electronics and user in control. #2- Natural/Pure. Your last post covered this well enough. Some people don't realize what a steal this vape is when considering the cost of the materials. #3- Versatile- This vape is really able to work for anybody anyway anywhere. I have used it for Micro-dosing, Macro-dosing, Concentrating with BHO or Rosin, Ground Flower, Hand-torn Flower, Unground nugs, Hash melting, easy connection to water...I could go on forever on this one. I mean you made this one so easy a one-armed blind+deaf man could use your vapes. #4- Power- There is a lot of power behind the grill on RBT tech.
To embody all four values in your slogan can be difficult, however you can select 2 or 3 even to get a good company slogan IMO. I think you can show Simple and Power even without using words that mean/describe power or simplicity. Keeping the slogan short to 2-4 words can be the representation for Simple. Using big words that have a multitude of meanings relating back to your products will make the words more Powerful.
After all that...I feel like something like one of the following might work or might lead you in the right direction:
Organic Versatility
Organically Versatile
Naturally Versatile
Modulate Organically
Pure Power
Simply Powerful

The current
@RastaBuddhaTao avatar fulfills all of the requirements for a good logo IMO.
It also looks like it would work very well as a brand too (the hot kind; well, both kinds actually!)
I did a bunch of half-hearted scribbles attempting to come up with a suggestion.
Why were they half-hearted?
Well, I like RBT's current logo, and knew I wouldn't be able to better it.
Here's the only one I'm not too embarrassed to post:
The current logo already embodies lots of elements which express some pretty cool associations.
And it works well above "Ritual Based Technology" too!
Stick with it!