Calm Consistency
Geez! I'm upset with all this poor battery life!My unit uses up a battery on one session.
The entire principal of the SSV/DBV/LSV.
I treat it during the heat application as a DBV turned to about 2:00 on the dial, and get perfect hits.
On a full battery I wait about 5 to 7 seconds before drawing.
I get about 5 to 6 satisfying hits (of 5-6 seconds each), then the load AND the battery are done.

Maybe my doses are just really really small ... Idk, I get about 6-10 hits off a decent basket, first hit has maybe 1-2 sec preheat, and I'm on and off the trigger a lot of the time. Maybe because I pull so slow, I can really soak up all the heat. If I have fast follow up hits, I'm off the trigger almost as much as I'm on ..
The only variables I can see affecting it,
-Battery itself - doubtful
-bowl size/style/grind/pack - good possibility. I pack about .05, maybe less, Basket Style, medium to more than medium grind, and poured into the basket with a Doob tube and heat tamped, never touch it with my finger.
-My unit runs hotter - possible, but even on a cooler unit i was runnin 4 baskets
-Technique (draw rate) - good possibility (not that any technique is better than another)
-Herb itself - possible ... Can't see it have this much of an impact tho. I have high grade, average moisture / resin content. Nothing on either extreme.
That's funny @Vitolo, even on the LSV, I was more of an 11:00-12:30 hit slow kinda guy, instead of a 2:00 fast. I see you like your power

This was what I made a few months ago regarding battery life. Voltage after number of baskets (didn't record after every single basket, which is why you see some numbers skip)
First set is the green (I believe) Samsung 25r that RBT provided with the first set of recessed Milaanas
2nd set is the yellow LG HE4s provided with the original Milaanas.
4.07 2
4.01 3
3.96 4
3.91 5
3.83 6
3.7 8
4.11 1
4.04 2
3.96 3
3.92 4
3.88 5
3.77 6 (power dropped off significantly
3.73 7
I believe this testing was a mix of through water / stems. Water I can kill a basket in 3 huge hits, stems are more like 7. More throttle time through water, but also faster bowls, so probably evens out.
Everyone mentions power dropping off as the battery depleted, but honestly, I never even consider it. It all feels so similar to me. Sometimes on like the 4th or 5th bowl I'll notice, but for the most part it always feels like it's running on max.
I can only recommend you try shortening your heat up time, pull a 7thfloor, and "ride the wave" (honestly think that name suits the Milaana so well). Maybe your unit is just cooler than mine, at which case, I understand your preheat. But when you're sessioning, it's not that important, the heater holds its heat for a surprisingly long time. In case you've missed it, I've held vapor for almost 10 seconds after releasing the throttle. Maybe you should take a light to your stem to see exactly when vapor starts and stops producing. Helped me a lot with heat conservation and really understanding my unit. You can get vapor in the stem at what feels like a surprisingly low temperature.
Sorry for the long post, I just try to put down whatever I think could possibly be useful to someone..anyone, lol.
Oooon a side note, decided to put the Milaana through water last nigh for the first time in a while, being that I finished my shifts for the week. I prepared a slightly larger than normal basket because I had been using the GH almost nonstop for a week and figured my tolerance shot up.
4 huge lung busters later, I realized my tolerance had in fact gone up. Disappointingly, I went over to the couch to read some late night FC and watch some local news (not sure why I've been doing this recently ...). 5-10 minutes later, Milaana smacked me upside the head, looked me in the eyes and yelled "what tolerance?!" I judged too soon. Mina never lets me down.
I personally VERY much think versatility fits the Milaana. I think it's what separates it from lots of units. Tons of ways to play with it.
I really like Vape Different, Vape Versatile.
It's understandable if you want to keep versatility for the Zion, but in all honesty, this thing is as versatile as combustion is fucked.
Vape Different! works with me.
When it comes to marketing, I think a follow up after a pause works really well to jingle the ears, "Vape different, Vape ___"
"Crisp like an apple, brewed like a beer"
Although "got milk" would prove that wrong.
Maybe it's just me, but 2 part slogans really hit me. The first part catches the attention through interest "crisp like an apple", but the second part brings in a familiarity that one enjoys "brewed like a beer". Although, honestly, they should've had an adjective adjective or verb verb, but they mixed it up. Not as smooth, but still works and gets my point across.
Thanks for stopping by RBT

Edit: my post took me so long to write I didn't realize all the answers people already provided about battery life

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