Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I have a Milaana on the way. I bought it through Was reading through the thread and was concerned about harshness.
I bought a couple of extra long stems from PV after I had ordered because I think those are what I will be using the most. I had forgot to order any extra when I ordered the unit. I break glass every so often.
It's sounds like I just need to go about it a little slow in the beginning. I've had a MFLB before and ended up giving it away. It was the only on demand unregulated vaporizer I've had.
I'm taking everyone's word for the flavor. Some say that it's like a portable Enano on some levels. I would imagine I will get mine the end of the week. I keep hearing that they this unit will be hard to come by so I decided to buy. I missed any info regarding that. I see everyone had been on a waiting list at one time - need to see what I've been missing.![]()
Nice Carol! Glad to see you here as well.
Regarding harshness, the long stems should help, but key to remember here is how you draw and use the trigger. If you're careful not to hold the trigger for too long at a time, heat will be more controlled with smoother lower temp vapor. Likewise since this is pure convection on demand, you will see how much your draw effects the vapor density and harshness, zero airflow resistance so you need to slowly pull the heat through the load to vaporize. With dedicated practice and reading various tips here, you should be alright, you're a pro! Oh also you may be interested to contact Alan for some wooden Milaana stems too, no concerns over breakage there. Everyone had gotten short from him so far, but I'm sure he can do long, though with proper trigger and draw technique you may even be fine with the shorties as they can allow better sensing by taste actually (another option is using hemp fiber as a filter to keep vapor smooth, like Alan likes to do). Good luck and enjoy, looking forward to your impressions!
So payday is thursday. I'll be ordering a Milanna from 420edc and I'm curious about how many batteries I should get? Sorry if I'm asking questions that have been answered. What is the average "bowl-per-battery" count, and how much herb per bowl? I'm not the best with battery knowledge but I have an Xtar vc2, will that charge the batteries for the milaana? Thanks in advanced!
Could depend on the exact battery, but we've discussed it here quite a few times, anywhere from 3 to 8 bowls depending on useage style, so I say 5 average. Suggest one spare or two
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