Milaana landed!! Just my busiest day of the week, so testing gonna have to wait a couple hours and has to be a light one until night.
This thing looks beautiful!! And as always planetvape added some munchies in the package
First bowl down and damn! Never tried a portable before with a draw so open, in fact never tried any vape like this
Tried first hits with a green Samsung 25R and then swapped to the brown LG GH2 that PV sent. I think the 25R heats faster, but need more testing on that. Also bought 2 VTC-5 that should be in Edinburgh when I go back after holidays, seems like this are the ones people like more, right?
Just tried a small layer of flowers, enough to cover the stock short screen. Didn't move the screen from its place, scs 4 piece grind (fluffy) lightly tamp. Vapor is hot but controlling the drawing and feathering the button help, it isn't as harsh as it was with my GH and I'm not having any issues with my throat/lungs like I had with that unit. Needed to stir but it wasn't too bad, so I think that with a bit of use I won't need stirring at all or maybe once or twice if I do a big bowl. Not as much as with my FF2, that's for sure.
So far pretty happy to have bought this unit and I only had one noobish bowl. Can't wait for this night when the real testing beggins
Edit 2:
I lied guys, even to myself

couldn't wait for night, had to try it through water... So picked the PVFS m2m adapter from PV and a small bubbler I had around atm and damn! This vape it's amazing!
It's exactly what I was hoping it to be and even more!
Only concern, the unit is a bit warm on the outside after the testing. Not hot and doesn't feel like I should be worried but just wanted to ask if it's normal. Also I'm in the south of spain between 35-40 degrees so that doesn't help cooling it down
Took the battery out just in case, I know heat is bad for them.
Any tips on taking care of the wood? First wood vape apart from my MFLB and will like to keep this beauty "healthy"