For sure, an amazing plus especially if using with a hydrotube/water tool. I must get a hydrotube now. I remember reading about some users losing their Air or Storm to an accidental trickle from a water tool... but sounds like we don't have to worry too much about that.
But wait, If it did stop working after getting wet (by accident) would it still be under warranty?
Try a fresh battery and an aggressive pull for 7 seconds on the button, release and continue pulling till you feel the heat dissipate.
Exhale very nice and tasty cloud!
Rinse and repeat for many pulls!!
This is a versatile little vape if you care to play around with it!
You got it..... thanks!Please stick to this thread, thanks.
This is most perplexing! Much Appreciated too! Your kit pieces fit, yet oven depth is under 1" on all your units.@DDave
Old / / Old / New / One in Shops
I measured in 64ths of an inch (58, 60, 58) and used conversion chart to mm.
SIDE NOTE: I tend to get 3 or 4 stems out of one batt, but normally packed light (.05 to .07). That about 1/3 of a gram per batt. At about a g or less daily, I usually go through 2 or 3 batts a day if I don't swap out too early.
@WakeAndVape here ya go
Thanks! Seems the earlier models were more shallow.My "Millie" is an early "post production break" model with semirecessed glass, only a few burn marks, white epoxy, and a slight "leaning Tower of Pisa" effect to her stems. She measures out at 15/16". Hope that helps...
Thanks!I recently received my backup Mi which is a newer version with a faster heater and a flush female joint. I noticed that the screen is deeper in the Mi and the Mi itself is bigger. This is most noticeable around the battery hole where there is more wood than before. I am still in the process of figuring out which Mi will be the daily driver and which will be the backup.
The older Mi measures at 15/16" and the newer Mi measures at 1 1/8". The newer one can accommodate certain adapters that the old one couldn't. I hope this helps.
I don't know! My old unit didn't get that battery life, but this one definitely does.not sure how you get soooo many stems from a single battery?!?!
@GTAVaper Way back on page 186 you mentioned you prefer the Sony VTC5's as your battery of choice.
Are you sticking with those batteries in the Milaana?
I have managed to find them at AceVapor in Canada. Do you know of anywhere else or any other recommendations battery wise?
This single battery life is making my perfect Milaana session a bit of a mystery as my current battery seems to drain very fast! 3 bowls and she is done, so am i... So who knows! More may be dangerous!
EDIT: I found Fasttech, they have them and free shipping. Sounds like a deal!
My local ecig vape shop has the Sony's... I just purchased an ejuice vape and have been using some very nice CBD OIL (no nicotine). PM me if you'd like to know the brand. This is a very cool device that uses those same batts (paired). I love this for out and about, gonna stop there and get some Sonys for Mi. Tx!!!I got mine at and the price was great but I got a bad surprise on this end. Don't ever choose FedEx ground as a shipping method. They send it to you and don't tell you if there are any charges when you accept the delivery.....but then bill you an obscene amount a couple weeks later.....would have been cheaper to go with the Air/Express which already had all costs built in but was also far more expensive.
But if you're in the US ......then all is good.
I will use all the batteries that I currently have for the Milaana......but the Sony VTC5's are my favourite.....I think they hold the most stable response for the longest time.....although the much smaller capacity LG HB4's are hotter for the first couple of bowls.
But if you have some kind of weird battery drain going on with your unit then it would last even less time because of the 1600mAh? vs 2500/2600 mAh......can't remember exact numbers now but those are close.
Hope that helps!
@lazylathe : anything on FT that doesn't have the word "authentic" in the product name is a clone, so beware.
Buy 2, u won't be sorry...Is the reliability of Milaana currently good enough for someone outside the USA to have confidence in buying one?
Remember shipping and customs can be a bear.
Im outside the US, and plan to get a second Mi as soon as RBT introduces Walnut or exotic woods.Is the reliability of Milaana currently good enough for someone outside the USA to have confidence in buying one?
Remember shipping and customs can be a bear.
Fasttech seems to be more expensive but they have free shipping, so may be better than IMR?
Oops, meant less. I'm sure most of you figured it out but still wanted to clarify for those I may have left confused with the weird contradiction.I'm sure I load more herb than you though
After receiving feedback and data from a few Mil owners, I find there are differences in internal screen positioning.
Easy way to measure this? Grab a toothpick and drop it in the oven. Either lay the vape sideways or maneuver the toothpick so it sits against the side of the Mil internal glass, then mark the toothpick from the rim of the glass. Remove toothpick and measure the marked toothpick.
My internal screen is 1 1/8" from rim of heater glass. All reducers, wands, and basket screens that I have fit without issue. So, once I get stock replenishment and repost a listing on eBay, I think I will put this measurement in as "mandatory specs" of one's Milaana if they wish to use the kit.
I'd love to get data on newer unit's screen depth! Or if @RastaBuddhaTao could chime in with current specification of screen depth, that would be even better!
Question to Mods: Would it be ok to start a thread on this specific topic "Milaana Internal Screen Depth" or to poll within this thread?
That was quite the comprehensive comment that I couldn't agree with more.Oops, meant less. I'm sure most of you figured it out but still wanted to clarify for those I may have left confused with the weird contradiction.
Good job to those of you who are asking about batteries. Safety is 100% the most important thing when using any product.
Had a great, fast, low temp sesh today on the go, really enjoyed it. Even with the short stem I kept the harshness down to a pleasant, soothing warmth. Fast extraction can even come on those low ends! Once the unit is warm after a hit or two, it really only needs a second or two to be at a nice temp to coast at.
I still need to pull slow to keep the harshness down, but that's the technique i recommend anyway, but sometimes I wish after a long preheat that I could pull really hard and really nuke myself. At that point it's overkill, but I like to be suited for any experience I want. That's the biggest reason I got rid of my Nano, but I miss it and will have a beautiful exotic on my desk one day (because it is the most consistent vape ive experienced). Just wait! But for now, Milaana does pretty much everything that all my vapes have done in one wooden box, with the exception of the consistency of other vapes and the slight nuances that every vape produces, such as the tapping of the flight box, circular flame of th Lotus, or the counting of the Vapman. The consistency issue is like shooting three pointers vs having a machine shoot one for you. It's great that a machine will do it for you, but if you're steph curry it makes no difference. More like a tennis racquet for me ... I suck at basketball but will never miss a tennis shot, just like how I'm pretty talented with Mina. But besides the small nuances, the Milaana sips or rips (RIIIPS), instant hits or seshes, good by yourself or among groups (who are as trained as you are), doesn't overheat or get overwhelmed by excessive hits, keeps up with SOME of the heavy hitters (y'all know, some can't be beat), has awesome ergonomics and airflow, hides in plain sight and is easy on the eyes, and, yes, the flavor is quite mouthwatering.
I mean, in the end, it's just a well designed convection vaporizer that utilizes a strong heater and high airflow. But when you say it like that, you don't really get the full gist of what it's really about!
PS. Don't think I'm trying to diss the nano, it just didn't fit my portability or high airflow wants!
I'm hoping Zion brings me that consistency I crave.
I came here to make a correction in my post and ended up writing all this ... Milaana got me good.