I picked up and used my Milaana for 1 day. I have been a mighty daily heavy user since November 2014.
I also bought and sold a pax2 recently.
Didn't like it.
I got a retail unit at planetvape.ca. I am happy at the moment. First few attempts were not great. But managed a few good ones last night.
So far great backup and secondary manual vape

I like that I have the options as far as power. Really riding the needle and flirting with combustion which I have done so far.
I tried many techniques and grinds. I found with stem in, preheat up to 5 seconds, let go and you can pull hard or soft. It almost wont combust if you draw right after releasing button.
Then I draw a bit. Button a bit. Feather etc.
Yes you can get tasty hits. Not near as dense as I can with mighty. So I'm glad I have both.
And I have a fairly strong glue smell!!! Seems to be going away now.
I find this vape is not super consistent as far as browning and charring. It does get every bit extracted out of herbs pushing to near combustion. I feel I won't be able to make edibles from my Milaana abv like I do with mighty.
Over all I am happy to have it.
I hope this glue smell is just cuz it's a recent manufacture.
Overall it looks good and has the screen air intake.
@PlanetVape did an awesome job with cs. They walked me through using it and battery stuff. Great guys and gals there. Love planetvape.ca.
Here's the milaana with the stock shorty and the planetvape.ca shorty which uses extreme q screens. Easy to preload pop in and out. Like theirs the best so far.
Heres the abv milaana on right mighty on left.
I will see what the milaana abv does through the mighty. Bet I'll get a puff.
All and all I am happy I bought it. Dont be surprised though even though the company is called rbt . It is a company and the cost compared to the retail price. They are marking it up large to me.
All di best