Milaana was down for the count earlier; that's right, the b#tch stopped putting out. OK, so I dropped her...Not far, less than 2 feet onto carpet but when she came up it was all "Go vape yourself". Sheer terror; I guess that's how you know you're hooked, when even the fantasy of Milaana leaving your life is enough to cause panic.

OK maybe not, but DAMN what happen? Maybe, just maybe, the battery spring retention device needs more "sproing"... OK again, probably most owners don't clamp the battery adjust terminal with the same "vigor" that I do (Raise your hands all you 40 year every day for several hours a day martial artists.

) Anyway, there is a gap between the battery and the top clamp!!! Grrrrrr!!!! So I figure let's fill the gap! Dimes I say! But they don't work. Neither 1 nor 2 would seem to do the trick. Which of course doesn't mean that approach MIGHT not work; rememberr I'm a gram and a sixpack into this. So I take the mechanism apart, remove a washer and "Bob's yer uncle", we back in business. Oh there is one more washer to go which leads me to think this was a Known problem. Anyone else have the same issue?