Loving this thing now with the cotton and screen, HUGE CLOUDS! Absolutely huge, life threateningly huge. Still having the honey moon faze and chewing through lots of bud, but once that stops I can see it being an efficient vape, that being said I still can't get it to work well with smaller loads. Havnt tried it with the bong (been on loan) since I did the cotton and SS trick, but previously it was like mentioned before, less milk in the tube but more Vapor on exhale, not sure how I feel about t but that's just how it seemed. I'm sure with more restriction now it will be easier to while wall! Going to find an adaptor for it again, might stil with 18-14 again as I feel the 14m end might add a bit of draw restriction.
Loading basket style, usually full but I would rather work out a way o micro dose more effectively.
Sometimes I push the basket a few mm past the glass, for super quick heat up.
Fresh battery hold 5-7 seconds then just draw, don't normally play with it during the draw instead I just kill it with say 5 seconds to go of a nice 20ish second draw, result being huge clouds!
It was 100% the open draw that was muddying up my experience (or more so my inability to draw slow with an open air path) extra restriction was key for me.
Getting 4 ish stems a battery, and at least 5 hits off a loaded basket. Would rather be doing 10 stems of 1-2 big hits will a smaller pack of possible.
Certainly using more bud than I would with say the vapman, vapcap or hammer.... But still much less than if I was smoking. Also still cooking pretty uneven, although I might start saving abv properly now so I can live with that. Never saw the need to save it with the HA or the VC, or even the vapman for that matter.