Well, I haven't even had mine for a week and already the 18mm female glass insert is falling out. For now I have used flexible sports tape Jerry rigged around the rim in a thoroughly unattractive manner. Perhaps this will increase its steam punk cred...
One of the short stem's GonG is just out of tolerance enough that it falls out. Both short stems I got are very irregular at the mouthpiece end. I've seen better from DHGate! Somebody tell me again the virtues of being Made in the USA!?
The heater and all work nicely enough and I'm still getting the hang of using it. I have yet to have a bowl come out evenly vaped, stirring or not. But very very medicating, before I realize it I've overdone it...
This is good

But I am definitely disappointed in the quality of workmanship (or workwomanship?) and quality control. This thing screams "prototype". I am getting tired of vapes that just fall apart or have some lame little flaw or some little part that fails and detracts from what should be an enjoyable experience. Not just pre-orders either. A vape is, as Ataxian recently said, an appliance. What if you had to keep sending in your blender/juicer/microwave/toaster oven etc. for repair repeatedly? And those things cost considerably less than most vapes!
Makes me appreciate the companies that do make consistently reliable products.
Rant over, please return to your originally scheduled program...