they say im crazy but i have a good time
...i believe it's usps and not paypal making @biohacker 'return' the refund... that's how i read it, i don't want to speak on biohackers behalf either..
Pulled my SV4 off the classifieds section after it sat there for weeks. Thought screw it no one wants it let’s try her again. With @lazylathe suggrsted mods and setting the Ed PID to 710 got me to a medicated place I haven’t got to in a while. First draws are all cream. At 710, I can get three big clouds. First is flavor train, second one softer flavor but still nice, last draw is taco tasting.
Plan on hitting the sv4 again today.
Pulled my SV4 off the classifieds section after it sat there for weeks. Thought screw it no one wants it let’s try her again. With @lazylathe suggrsted mods and setting the Ed PID to 710 got me to a medicated place I haven’t got to in a while. First draws are all cream. At 710, I can get three big clouds. First is flavor train, second one softer flavor but still nice, last draw is taco tasting.
Plan on hitting the sv4 again today.
If you want an electric supreme V3 good luck finding one. Most of the recent action has all been centered around @biohacker IAwesome stuff!!
I use mine the way I explained to you with the tube as well as full convection mode!
Always super milky hits with great flavor!
I am running mine at 335 Degrees Celsius and it's perfect!
I love the zero maintenance for the main unit and ease of use.
Even though there was one catastrophic failure, I am still confident in recommending the base unit without the electronics.
If you want an electric supreme V3 good luck finding one. Most of the recent action has all been centered around @biohacker I
It would work as it is meant for the same purpose. Not sure about the different coil handle designs and sizes though...
Just buy the base unit if you want, although due to different coil thicknesses you may want to get one with the SV4 from Ed. As i mentioned, i needed to add a washer to tighten my coil against the SV4 body.
If you are handy and good with your hands, just buy the unit.
If not, get the coil preinstalled.
Not sure what PID you have so cannot recommend coils. I know the New Vape one has a different connector from a regular XLR.
I have a China controller that i use for my FP SH, Lotus, SV4 and my OG FP.
I had to rewire some coils to work with it but it only takes a minute!
Anyway you could go further into how you added washers to make your coil fit properly?
Im wanting to buy this sv4 and use with my High5 PID/coil, but don't know if I'll be able to figure out how to install them together.
Your suggestion of getting the coil pre-installed by Ed seems like a good idea, but i'm not sure if his coil is compatible with High5 controllers.
It was really simple for me!
I have a large glass jar full of different sizes and thicknesses of washers, not all are stainless though...
The easiest way would be to go to a hardware store with your SV4 and coil and try different washers until you get a tight fit.
Otherwise you may need to adjust the pin-outs on your coil from Ed with a soldering iron, very easy to do and takes about 5 minutes.
If you need any more help just PM me!
So if I find the perfect size thickness washer that makes my flat coil fit perfectly tight/snug into the sv4 then im good to go? If so, that does sound simple. Lol.
Pulled my SV4 off the classifieds section after it sat there for weeks. Thought screw it no one wants it let’s try her again. With @lazylathe suggrsted mods and setting the Ed PID to 710 got me to a medicated place I haven’t got to in a while. First draws are all cream. At 710, I can get three big clouds. First is flavor train, second one softer flavor but still nice, last draw is taco tasting.
Plan on hitting the sv4 again today.
I am starting to save up kief as i think the SV4 will blow the stock SV3 out of the water with my test! Can you remind me of what it all contained?
...try this in the convection mod....
Herb, kief, herb, kief, pad with "trate....
It feels like this...
Envision that the front of the jet is the start of your inhale, should be done by the rear of the cockpit, hold till telemetry aerial and start exhaling and BOOM.... Time to lie down!
Done!@Morty Let me know when you are done Breakin' and i will do it!
It's going to be dangerous with the S4...
Just don't push him too far Morty. I can seriously see you going down for manslaughter if this goes wrong!!I wanna see Lazy cough his nutz off!
Still using my SV4 and it just keeps getting better and better!
I was using it at 305C and it was great! Clouds and flavor and effects!! Trifecta!!
Over the last day or so I have been moving the temp up a few degrees every bowl and am now at 335C.
Better extraction, denser clouds, more robust flavor and hits like a train!
Perfect 100% convection, every time using the VapoCane bowl setup.
Also switched to pretty much dry WT's and the flavor and effects are even more pronounced!
I just have enough water to reach the bottom of the perc, mainly just to trap any particulate.
I wonder if this vape will ever take off?
Pretty rocky start to a highly anticipated vape...
Don't be discouraged though, use your own equipment and it is a rock solid performer!
Call, email or go to website and contact, and mention you want the V4:Is he even selling it still? There's no mention on the website yet.
Yes i have opened the heater few times and it is just few separate legged plates stacked upon each other inside the metal cube. Have in mind that you also have devices like the vaponic which total worth is like 5$ with packaging included and is sold 6-7 times the production cost,i guess it is normal in the vape business ,after all they gotta earn something and pay the workers,labor cost in some countries is extremely high. The dually is priced at 200$ and there is 50$ shipping from the USA and add the taxes.. then i guess 250CHF($252) is not that bad. (thats in case you dont pay custom taxes for importing from Switzerland though.Thank your very much, Sir! 250 CHF? Pfff...but I will send him the datas. So awesome this device is it's unreasonable pricey for such a piece of rough made cheap metall.