I read this aloud to my hubby, and he said,
"Someone needs to swing by Costco and get a couple of gallons of coconut oil..."
We are there. Dude.
COOL! But we are going to need 10 gallons of coconut oil. I mean how am I supposed to cover my body in coconut oil if we run out? Better safe that sorry so I'll just get a 55 gallon drum of the stuff that way no one has to go home dry. REMEMBER, there is no law stating that we CAN'T lube it up and walk around in public. Exactly like that "Ancient Aliens" episode that proved beyond any doubt that told us just because there is nonevedence anywhere,all that proves is they are good at hiding.
OHHSWEETGOD!!! Way to much lube guys! Whoa,but did you see the distance I fired that Gerbil? I wonder if they make toothless gerbils. Hmm if I shave them to cut down on wind resistance and if I get just the right pinch as they are fired...we night be talking world record for rectal powered rodent flight.