Thank you members,I am so grateful for your condolences.They do enrich our lives,there are many like her deserving of good homes,wont be too long until she comes back,she was very obedient, I'll will her spirit back and I will find her again.I have a soft spot for the the outcast created BY our glorious media. Here in FL, the shelters put to sleep 500 pitties,staffy's,american bulldogs,dobies, rotties,shepards a month here in my county.The majority going to the bully breeds,what a shame.As Ghandi remarked ,
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" it makes sense to me!! Nothing sweeter to bond with an animal and especially when you save their life,they might not talk our language but their body language and their eyes will tell you what they theyre saying.I love the furry buddies more than myself and they are the ones to teach us that, for they truly do love you more than they love themselves.Once again guys/gals thank you so much for your condolences ,what a sweet family of members we have here, you people are great

PS.......Keep an eye out for another little baby that we will adopt .wont be too long,I feel her spirit calling me as well