The Official FC Pets & Animals thread


Dog Marley

09 Sep 2013
No-one likes a drunken bore. But a drunken boar is pretty funny.

A feral pig has gone on the rampage at the DeGrey River rest area, just east of the town of Port Hedland in Western Australian, stealing three six-packs of beer and drinking the lot, before starting an altercation with a bystanding cow.

An onlooker commented, "in the middle of the night these people camping opposite us heard a noise, so they got their torch out and shone it on the pig and there he was, scrunching away at their cans. Then he went and raided all the rubbish bags. There were some other people camped right on the river and they saw him being chased around their vehicle by a cow."

The hog was last seen resting under a tree, almost certainly waiting for someone to bring it some nurofen for its monster hangover.

[via The Guardian]


Well-Known Member
LOL. Yeah, it's an old one made around 2006 by Panasonic as a promotional vid. At that time, I was still heading up the sales and marketing efforts at a large consumer electronics chain out here in SoCal and it was required that I attend the CES show (Consumer Electronics Show) in Vegas every year. I'll never forgot going to the Panasonic booth (acutally MUCH bigger than just a booth, but that's what we called them) and there was this huge crowd standing in front of the video display and they were all kinda doing this:

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Dog Marley
There are some amazing creatures on this planet.....

The panda ant
The Mutillidae are a family of more than 3,000 species of wasps whose wingless females resemble large, hairy ants. Found in Chile. Black and white specimens are sometimes known as panda ants due to their hair coloration resembling that of the Chinese giant panda



Dog Marley
This mammal is native to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Despite the zebra-like stripes, it is actually more closely related to giraffes.



The gerenuk
The gerenuk, also known as the Waller’s gazelle, is a long-necked species of antelope found in dry thorn bush scrub and desert in Eastern Africa. The word gerenuk comes from the Somali language, meaning “giraffe-necked”. Gerenuks have a relatively small head for their body, but their eyes and ears are proportionately large.

There are some amazing creatures on this planet.....

The panda ant
The Mutillidae are a family of more than 3,000 species of wasps whose wingless females resemble large, hairy ants. Found in Chile. Black and white specimens are sometimes known as panda ants due to their hair coloration resembling that of the Chinese giant panda


That's too cool. I'm always impressed at the diversity of life on Earth, which is cool because I can always learn about a new organism.
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Sad to say I just had the unfortunate incident with my baby Layla, Americana Stafford-shire Terrier.She passed from a horrible auto-immune disease called IMHA,the body attacks the red blood cells and the animal dies from a multitude of system failures.My love of my life, my baby who pulled me thru my cancer passed on the 19th of Sept. Friday the 13th showed its ass from a blood profile that was pulled due to her annual teeth cleaning and check up and shots. With in days she went,I spent thousands to save her but to no avail.I am eternally grateful for this sweet K9.My heart is crushed all the MJ isn't helping, balling my eyes out from this knife in my heart. I'm sorry but I didn't have a place to really reach out.My girl friend is devastated and hasn't eaten or really slept (including myself) since the 13th.I have lost 15 lbs in a week and feel and look like death warmed over. The 19th was also my anniversary of CA free for 4yrs and she passed on that day.

I am a retired F.F./medic for a large metro F.D here in south FL.In all my years I save so many dogs lives from structure fires and from being unrestrained in car wrecks,but I couldn't save my precious Layla. My whole neighborhood is in a state of shock, she was therapy for a lot of elderly that I would visit, I learned of a lot of them from running calls to their homes.MY baby was so instrumental in a lot of peoples well being and mostly mine.May she rest in peace,and may my will bring forth her spirit in another darling that will need to be saved ,just like she was,she enriched my life 10 fold and I will keep her alive in my heart and have requested her ashes be put in with me for my journey home.My best was granted to me because this sweet heart gave me HER ALL.

To me a dog that you can really bond with is as close to god as you can get, our higher power knows us right down to your most intimate thoughts and pretty much see's all that we do, well a dog (which is god spelled backwards and who on earth but a dog knows your intimate moments of you thinking out loud and what ever you do in private, a dog is there over seeing your routines and rituals.Kind of like your higher power but the sweet thing is , you can see and feel this god like creature with its over flowing UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND ONLY LIVING IN THE MOMENT. We all could learn a lot from these wonderful creatures that surely do bring the precious gift of LOVE and kindness.!!

Thank you all,I know some members are fond of the bully breeds,(misnomer of a name, no school yard bully in any of em just the name) and I wish you all so many happy and healthy years with doesn't matter what K9 species you love, to me they're the best furry creature one could own that will love you till its dying day, GIVING YOU ITS ALL!.

RIP LAYLA 12/24/05 -09/19/13................... Forever in our hearts

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