The Official FC Pets & Animals thread


(zombie) Woof.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I'm adopting two cats tomorrow from the shelter. It will be an interesting day. Got to get cat carriers, scratching posts, litter boxes. First time I'll have my own cats but my family has had cats for years.

Thanks for rescuing two feline overlords. If you haven't already, make sure you check out Jackson Galaxy's channel on Youtube. He has several videos on introducing cats to a new home, and to each other if yours aren't already acquainted. He'll save you a lot of mistakes and grief.

Last fall we had to say goodbye to our wonderful rescue cat Lucky. He'd had a stroke and was in the early stages of renal failure. It broke our hearts and we swore we'd never get another cat because who wants to go through that pain, right? You know that's the deal you're signing up for: they give you years of joy and the price you pay is the grief you have to endure when they go.

We missed Lucky so much we thought we'd try fostering rescue cats. It seemed like it would be a good compromise. We'd have a cat but never long enough to become attached. You kow where this is going...

The first two came and went, and then there was Andre.

GRAND ANDRE 210201_181733.jpg
Andre looked straight into our eyes and that was it. He turned us into what's known in the trade as "foster failures."

Andre was a really shy cat at first and it took a couple of weeks before he'd leave the safety of the base camp we set up for him in my office. Without the guidance from Jackson Galaxy's videos he might still be there, so be sure you check him out. Fingers crossed that you have a smooth transition to their new home.


This boy loves his toys, and multi-tasks regularly... playing with as many as 4 toys at a time.
Here he's got 3 ..and he's not just guarding the others, he's biting, mouthing and playing with all 3 at once!
He's 101 lbs. and my constant companion


Well-Known Member
Rummy, my tabby.



My parents adopted 7 dogs back at their house in the Middle East (my parents immigrated there for work). This one is their most recent one, someone abandoned this beautiful German Shepherd. Well, she belongs to my folks now and her name is now Roxy. She's still a little weak and has a long way to go to regaining her health. This is her now, day 4 at my parents' place. I'll post an updated picture once she looks healthier.



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