The Official FC Pets & Animals thread


Away with the fairies

As much as I can see why you like this, and as much as I hate to be a party pooper, I feel I just have to say something about this. Whilst this bear appears to be in pretty good shape, there are plenty more out there who are made to perform and 'dance' in far less humane conditions.......

About Dancing Bears

Young bears are captured in the wild, separated from their mothers, and taught by a trainer to become dancing bears in conditions of unimaginable cruelty.

The young animals are forced onto sheets of glowing hot metal and, in order to escape the pain, the bears alternate lifting up one paw and then another while a music is played. The process is repeated again and again until the animals automatically begin to raise their paws - to "dance" - in fear of the pain, even when there are no metal sheets.

As the bears get older the trainers keep them under control by inflicting pain. They do this by putting rings through the bears' highly sensitive noses and jaws. No anaesthetic is used for this painful process. Chains are attached to the rings so that the trainers can control the animals, which weigh up to 350 kilograms, with only a slight tug on the chains.

The bear’s claws are trimmed several times a year and their teeth broken or removed so they can’t injure their trainer. The bears also suffer with an inadequate diet that usually consists of white bread, sugar and alcohol. All these cause serious physical health problems for the bears. Many also display stereotypic behaviours such as swaying and pacing and self mutilation as they can’t follow natural behavioural patterns and instincts.


Apologies for changing the mood in here for the worse momentarily.

Some cute pics to try to balance things out a little...............


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Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
As much as I can see why you like this, and as much as I hate to be a party pooper, I feel I just have to say something about this. Whilst this bear appears to be in pretty good shape, there are plenty more out there who are made to perform and 'dance' in far less humane conditions.......

About Dancing Bears

Young bears are captured in the wild, separated from their mothers, and taught by a trainer to become dancing bears in conditions of unimaginable cruelty.

The young animals are forced onto sheets of glowing hot metal and, in order to escape the pain, the bears alternate lifting up one paw and then another while a music is played. The process is repeated again and again until the animals automatically begin to raise their paws - to "dance" - in fear of the pain, even when there are no metal sheets.

As the bears get older the trainers keep them under control by inflicting pain. They do this by putting rings through the bears' highly sensitive noses and jaws. No anaesthetic is used for this painful process. Chains are attached to the rings so that the trainers can control the animals, which weigh up to 350 kilograms, with only a slight tug on the chains.

The bear’s claws are trimmed several times a year and their teeth broken or removed so they can’t injure their trainer. The bears also suffer with an inadequate diet that usually consists of white bread, sugar and alcohol. All these cause serious physical health problems for the bears. Many also display stereotypic behaviours such as swaying and pacing and self mutilation as they can’t follow natural behavioural patterns and instincts.


Apologies for changing the mood in here for the worse momentarily.

Some cute pics to try to balance things out a little...............


I just thought it was a cute video.
I not a big fan of the Circus.
And other facilities that force animals to perform.
Your post was very Informative and disturbing...
The thought of abusing animals for profit is sick. There is a special place in hell for people like that.

Everyone have an awesome day...


well-worn member
National Cat of the Year Awards – Smudge the Hero

Continuing our profile of the 2014 nominees for the UK National Cat of the Year Awards, here we have Smudge, a feisty feline who is up for an award in the ‘Heroic Cat’ category.

Earlier this year, the brave moggy saved his young owner, Nathan Fenton from being attacked by bullies after they teased and shoved him to the ground outside his home.

Not one to stand around and watch his master being bullied, Smudge ran out hissing and pounced onto the chest of the ringleader who had pushed the young Ethan just moments before.


Ethan Fenton, 5, with Smudge, the cat that saved him from bullies.

The boy and his friends were so shocked by the tabby cat’s actions that they ran away crying leaving Ethan and his two-year-old brother Ashton alone.



Away with the fairies
@Seren Fortunately, I think the bear in @Melting Pot 's post looks to be happy and healthy.

I just thought it was a cute video.
I not a big fan of the Circus.
And other facilities that force animals to perform.
Your post was very Informative and disturbing...
The thought of abusing animals for profit is sick. There is a special place in hell for people like that.
I agree that that particular bear looks happy enough - he runs to, and not away from his trainer when called. You can see the trainer using reward training - rather than punishment. So there's a big difference between that and the cruel methods used by old-school trainers.
I felt torn about posting anything - but cruelty towards bears is still a big problem in some of Europe and Asia. The charity work that goes on to try to stamp it our is close to my heart. I thought my post might raise some awareness, that's all.

I know you're an animal lover @Melting Pot - I enjoy all of your posts here and in other threads - hope you're enjoying the weekend. :)

....... Smudge ran out hissing and pounced onto the chest of the ringleader who had pushed the young Ethan just moments before.




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