On another note... and a back to back post... I know...

But this is something I feel needs to have it's own post.
This is Hailey Ashmore and Flynn, her service dog. Hailey has several conditions, including asthma, severe allergies, gastroparesis, reactive hypoglycemia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, Ehler-Danlos syndrome, and epilepsy. The most disruptive condition for Hailey is the epilepsy, which causes her to have seizures throughout the day. Accordingly, Hailey needs Flynn to help her make it through her days.
As a service dog, Flynn required about two years of intense training. It should come as no surprise that Flynn is incredibly important for Hailey’s wellbeing. So why is she pleading with strangers to STOP petting Flynn without her permission?
Please read the story
here. And NEVER pet a service dog without permission!!!